Basic steps for getting started with Unix
- Go to Allen 002, 006 or 022 and find a free PC.
- Log on to attu the undergrad linux server via ssh
- Learn how to navigate in Unix and use basic unix functions (cd, mkdir, cp, rm, man, info, etc.). You may want to refer to the UWACM tutorials.
- Choose a text editor (emacs, vim, pico, etc.). Try to learn emacs
or vim. Pico is too simple to be a good code editor and is only
mentioned as a last resort. Emacs and vim are roughly equivalent in
power, but vim has a slightly higher learning curve. Read the Emacs
tutorial in the emacs help menu to get started there. For vim, goto http://www.vim.org and look under documentation.
- Write a HelloWorld.java program. This is just for
your benefit, you do not have to turn this in.
- Compile and run the program you wrote:
javac -g HelloWorld.java
java HelloWorld