Project 2 - The search for a-MAZE-ing donuts!

Phase B

Important Deadlines

Phase B Due

Wed, Nov 1st

Electronic turnin (code + README.txt) by 11:30AM


Wed, Nov 1st

Hardcopy (CODE + EC + README) due at beginning of lecture, 11:30AM



VII. More Provided Code

For the second phase of this project, we are providing code to read the input maze given as a text file, parse it, and build a Maze class object from it, which your algorithm will operate on. We are also providing the code for a simple maze runner, RandomMazeRunner, that picks the direction to explore in a random fashion. Your own MazeRunner classes should inherit from the abstract MazeRunner class. You may modify the provided code if you wish, but very little (if any) should be necessary, and you should justify any modifications in your README.

The provided code is located in the directory /cse/courses/cse326/06au/projects/project2/code-phaseB/. You can copy these files when logged on to the instructional unix server attu. You will want to add to it all of the code from Phase A, including your changes.

Further documentation on the Maze code architecture and how to get started can be found here. If you find the large codebase a bit overwhelming, this is good place to start.

VIII. Maze Input and Output

INPUT: The SquareCellMazeFactory class reads a maze from a text file specified on the command prompt. The file format is a picture of the maze. There is also some header information at the front that gives the dimensions of the maze (width, then height). In the maze, '-' and '|' are used for walls, ' ' for rooms and unblocked passages, '+' for the corners of the rooms, '*' for the entrance, and 'O' for the donut. Once you find the donut, you get to chow down and then exit out of the maze. For example, the following is a legal maze : (Note: entrance and donut can be in any cells in the maze, not just the corners)

       7 5
      |*|   | | |   |
      + +-+ + + +-+ +
      |   |   |     |
      + + + +-+ +-+ +
      | |   |     | |
      + +-+-+ +-+-+ +
      |       |     |
      +-+ + +-+-+ +-+
      |   |        O|

There are some sample input files in the course project directory mentioned above that you can use to test your program. You are highly encouraged to write (and share with your classmates!) other test mazes to run your MazeRunner on. Send them to us or to the 326 discussion list.

OUTPUT: After solving a maze, your MazeRunner should output a solution path calculated by the search. The path should be given on a single line and should consist of the printed locations (using the built-in print method) from the start to the exit, separated by single spaces. On the next line should be the length of the solution path, and on the following line should be the number of nodes visited and expanded in the search. The solution should be preceeded by a line giving the name of the search algorithm used. For example, the output for the above maze might be:

Random Search
(0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (3,1) (3,2) (4,2) (4,3) (4,4) (4,5) (4,6)
Length of Path: 10
Number Nodes Visited: 15

The solution displayed above corresponds to the solution path shown below with dots:

      |*|   | | |   |
      +.+-+ + + +-+ +
      |.  |   |     |
      +.+ + +-+ +-+ +
      |.|   |     | |
      +.+-+-+ +-+-+ +
      |.....  |     |
      +-+ +.+-+-+ +-+
      |   |........O|

Note that your MazeRunner does not need to output a text-graphical solution such as the one displayed above.

Note also that a search very likely involves visiting many nodes that are not on the final solution path. You will have to explore ways of extracting the path from the collection of nodes you visited. RandomMazeRunner gives an example of how this might be done. You will need to modify this technique to work for your algorithms.

IX. Getting Started

After combining your code from Phase A and the new provided code for Phase B, compile everything and try to run the provided random mazeRunner from the launcher class as follows:

      % java MazeRunnerLauncher -r maze0.txt

The "-r" option invokes the random maze runner. Take a look at to get a general idea of how things work. After understanding this file, make a copy (say and try implementing a better algorithm.

X. Detailed Requirements

In Phase B you are required to:

Electronic Turnin

Include the following files plus any others you find necessary:               

README Questions

Your README should contain the following information:

  1. The names of your team members and your team's name
  2. A breakdown of the work - a brief who-did-what description.
  3. (Answer this question before you begin) How long do you think this project will take you to finish?
  4. How much time did you actually spend on this project?
  5. Acknowledgement of any assistance you received from anyone but your partner, the course staff, or the Weiss book.
  6. A brief description of how your project goes "above and beyond" the basic requirements, if it does.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Why is it more important for DFS than BFS to check whether a cell has been visited yet?
  2. If you gave your MazeRunners a maze that was too large to fit in main memory, which would likely run faster, BFS or DFS? (Any reasonable answer -- as long as it is justified -- will be accepted.)
  3. In what ways are DFS and Best-first search similar? How are BFS and Best-first similar?
  4. Why is it important that a heuristic be easy to compute? Why is it important that a heuristic yield unique (or almost unique) values?
  5. Why is BFS guaranteed to find the shortest path? Are the other two algorithms guaranteed to find the shortest path? If yes say why, if not, give a counter example.
  6. What are the tradeoffs between a pointer vs. array-based heap? In particular, what are the tradeoffs between a binary heap, a threeheap, and a pointer-based heap? Some possible topics to cover include runtime, coding complexity, and memory usage. Did you observe any differences (for example in runtimes or memory use) between using these three for the larger maze inputs?  (Just note if you noticed anything, it is fine if you did not.  You are welcome to explore this question in more detail (timings, measurements, calculations) for extra credit.)
  7. In general (not necessarily in the context of this project), why could it be better to use a sorted array implementation of a priority queue versus a binary heap? Why could it be worse?
  8. What did you enjoy about this assignment? What did you hate? Could we have done anything better?

XI. Grading Breakdown

The amount of code required for this project is actually very small. A significant part of your grade will be based on your program design and your README.

Look at the course grading policy for a more detailed explanation on grading guidelines.

XII. Going Above and Beyond

The following suggestions are meant for you to try if you finish the requirements early. Be sure to clearly describe what you did and how to run it in your README. Recall that any extra-credit points you earn for these are kept separate from your assignment score and will be used to adjust your grade at the end of the quarter, as detailed in the course grading policy.

XIII. Phase B Turnin

For Phase B, turn in all your code for this assignment (from both Phase A and Phase B).

Only one person from each team should submit. The same person who submitted Phase A should submit Phase B. The turn-in link is here. You should submit electronically:

  1. All of the Java code (use *.java) that you need to compile your program
  2. The README.txt file
  3. Remember to keep your extra credit & normal files SEPARATE when turning in. Points will be taken off if they aren't separated.

For the hardcopy, please place the README.txt file in front, and include any code that you have written or modified. You do not have to hand in printouts of files that we provided that you did not modify (eg. In addition to both partners’ names, please write the section of each partner (ie. AA, AB, BA, BB) on the front of the README file. Like the electronic turnin, please print *BOTH* your extra credit and normal files SEPARATELY. You may print double sided or fit 2 pages to a side to conserve paper, but please keep turn in both extra credit & "normal" files!