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Date Topic Presenter
March 27 Introduction to Brain-Computer Interfaces.
Background: Brain-computer interfaces for Communication and Control (review) Clinical Neurophysiology 113 (2000)
Raj (slides)
March 29 Introduction to Machine Learning for BCI Pradeep(slides)
April 3 Brain 101: Basic Neurobiology Raj(slides)
April 5 Guest Lecture: Volitional Control of Neural Activity with Applications to BCI Eb Fetz(slides)
April 10 Invasive BCIs: Decoding Motor Signals from Neural Activity
  • Actions from Thoughts. MA Nicolelis. Nature 409, 2001.
  • Motor Cortical Representation of Speed and Direction During Reaching. Daniel W. Moran and Andrew B. Schwartz. Journal of Neurophysiology 82(5), 1999.
  • Rob Egbert
    April 12 Invasive BCIs: Towards Neural Prosthetics
  • Direct cortical control of 3D neuroprosthetic devices. Taylor DM, Tillery SI, and Schwartz AB, Science 296:1829-1832, 2002.
  • Cognitive control signals for neural prosthetics. Musallam S, Corneil BD, Greger B, Scherberger H, and Andersen RA, Science 305:258-262, 2004.
  • Learning to control a brain-machine interface for reaching and grasping by primates. J. M. Carmena et al., PLoS Biology 1(2), 2003.
  • Stavros Zanos and
    Jeff Cole (slides1,slides2)
    April 17 Guest Lecture: Introduction to Particle Filtering Dieter Fox (slides)
    April 19 Invasive BCIs based on Particle/Kalman Filtering
  • Recursive Bayesian Decoding of Motor Cortical Signals by Particle Filtering. A. E. Brockwell, A. L. Rojas and R. E. Kass, J Neurophysiol 91: 1899-1907, 2004.
  • Neural decoding of cursor motion using a Kalman filter. Wu, W., Black, M. J., Gao, Y., Bienenstock, E., Serruya, M., Shaikhouni, A., Donoghue, J. P., Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15, 2003.
  • Eric Rombokas and
    Jean Wu (slides1,slides2)
    April 24 Guest Lecture: Electrocorticography (ECoG) and BCI Kai Miller
    April 26 Invasive BCIs using ECoG Signals
  • A brain-computer interface using electrocorticographic signals in humans. Eric C Leuthardt, Gerwin Schalk, Jonathan R Wolpaw, Jeffrey G Ojemann and Daniel W Moran. J. Neural Eng. 1(2), 63-71, 2004.
  • Methods Towards Invasive Human Brain Computer Interfaces. Lal, T. N. et al. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17, 2005.
  • Ioannis Giotis and
    Ryan Libby
    May 1 Non-Invasive BCIs: The Berlin EEG-Based BCI System
  • Background Reading: The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: report from the feedback session. Blankertz, B.; Dornhege G.; Krauledat, M; Mueller, K-R.; Curio, G. Technical Report 1, Fraunhofer FIRST.
  • Pradeep(slides)
    May 3 Non-Invasive BCIs: Representative EEG-Based Systems
  • Control of a two-dimensional movement signal by a noninvasive brain-computer interface in humans. Wolpaw JR, Mc Farland DJ. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Dec 21;101(51):17849-54.
  • Non-Invasive Brain-Actuated Control of a Mobile Robot, J. del R. Millan, F. Renkens, J. Mourino, and W. Gerstner, in Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2003.
  • Jon Malkin and
    Josh Storz (slides1,slides2)
    May 8 Non-Invasive BCIs: SSVEP and P300
  • Use of the evoked potential P3 component for control in a virtual apartment. Bayliss, J.D. TNSRE 2003.
  • Steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP)-based communication: impact of harmonic frequency components. Muller-Putz, G.; Scherer, R.; Brauneis, C.; Pfurtscheller, G. – in: Journal of neural engineering 2 (2005) , S. 123-130
  • CJ Bell
    May 10 Non-Invasive BCIs: Improving Accuracy
  • Boosting bit rates in non-invasive EEG single-trial classifications by feature combination and multi-class paradigms. Guido Dornhege, Benjamin Blankertz, Gabriel Curio, and Klaus-Robert Mueller. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 51(6):993-1002, June 2004.
  • Bhushan Mandhani (slides)
    May 15 Non-Invasive BCIs: Increasing the Number of Output Classes
  • Characterization of Four-Class Motor Imagery EEG Data for the BCI-Competition 2005. Schlogl, A.; Lee, F. Y.; Bischof, H.; Pfurtscheller, G. – in: Journal of neural engineering 2 (2005)
  • Dan Liebling
    May 17 Guest Lecture: Development of a Neural Prosthesis for Motor Rehabilitation Andrew Jackson (slides)
    May 22 BCI Applications: Spellers and Keyboards
  • Robust Classification of EEG Signal for Brain-Computer Interface. Thulasidas, M.; Guan, C.; Wu, J. TNSRE 14 (1) 2006.
  • An asynchronously controlled EEG-based Virtual Keyboard: improvement of the spelling rate. Scherer, R.; Muller-Putz, G.; Neuper, C.; Graimann, B.; Pfurtscheller, G. IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 51 (2004)
  • Marta Penas
    May 24 BCI Applications: Stimulation and Search
  • EEG-based asynchronous BCI controls functional electrical stimulation in a tetraplegic patient. Pfurtscheller, G.; Muller-Putz, G.; Pfurtscheller, J.; Rupp, R., in: EURASIP journal on applied signal processing 19 (2005) , S. 3152-3155
  • High-throughput Image Search via Single-trial Event Detection in a Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Task, P. Sajda, A. Gerson and L.C. Parra (2003) IEEE Conference on Neural Engineering Capri Island, Italy, March 20-22, 2003, 7-10.
  • Ian Ma and
    Justin Vincent
    May 29 No Class (University Holiday)
    May 31 Project presentations (in **CSE 303 Allen Center**; written reports due on **Friday June 2** by email) Student Teams

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