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 CSE599E: Brain-Computer Interfaces
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Welcome to CSE 599E

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)

Spring 2006

Rajesh Rao (Instructor)


Pradeep Shenoy (TA)

MW 12:00-1:20pm in MGH 288

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) attempt to use signals generated by the brain to directly control objects such as a cursor on a computer screen or a robotic arm. In this course, we will seek to go beyond the recent media hype about BCIs to achieve an in-depth understanding of what current BCI systems can and cannot do.

We will explore BCI research along several dimensions including: input signals (invasive versus non- invasive recording techniques), feature extraction methods (spectral, wavelet, etc.), machine learning for BCI (classification, regression, tracking, etc.), and BCI applications (cursor control, word speller, robotic arm control, etc.). The course will include a mix of lectures, invited speakers, and discussion of research papers.

These web pages will be updated throughout the quarter. Check this page frequently for possible announcements (below). Be sure to join the class mailing list and browse the email archive. To join, visit the mailing list info page. Announcements will be posted in the space below.

03/27/06: First day of class: Welcome!

05/29/06: No Class - University Holiday

Brain image courtesy of Kai Miller and Jeff Ojemann, UW, copyright 2006. Portions of the CSE 599E Web may be reprinted or adapted for academic nonprofit purposes, providing the source is accurately quoted and duly credited. The CSE 599E Web: Copyright 2006, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington.

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