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    New! Look through the list and talk to Raj or Pradeep about a topic that interests you.

A group can comprise of 1-3 persons enrolled in the class. Each group will pick a particular "mini-research" topic pertinent to this course and investigate the topic through literature search and/or analysis of available BCI data. Each group will present their results to class on May 31 and will submit a short printed report (10-15 pages including figures and references) before the presentations.

Presentation details: You may email Raj your slides by 11am on the day of the presentation and use his laptop for your presentation or bring your own laptop if your presentation requires special software or uses demos. In the latter case, you may want to print out transparencies as a back-up in case the projector does not recognize your laptop.


Electrocorticography (ECoG) is a technique for recording signals directly on the surface of the brain, and is widely used for monitoring brain activity in the course of medical treatment for epilepsy. We have a large number of datasets where the subject in question performed a variety of motor actions (or imagined the coresponding action), and the challenge is to build classifiers that can distinguish between different motor actions. The following projects will look at various techniques for improving the classification performance of ECoG Data. We will provide you with a small number of datasets, and your finished code can optionally be run on all the other (unseen) datasets.

Spatial Filters for ECoG Data: Classification techniques for EEG data use spatial filters for integrating information from multiple sensors and creating a lower-dimensional feature space that is more tractable for classification. The project would examine one of the following filters:

a) CSP—a supervised technique for selecting linear projections.
b) PCA/ICA—unsupervised techniques that are useful in dimensionality reduction,
c) CSSSP - a supervised technique that simultaneously optimizes the spatial and frequency filters used on the signals.
d) an algorithm of your choice.

We will keep the choice of classifier fixed, and also supply you with some basic preprocessing code. References [3-8].

Spectral Filters for ECoG Data: We know that motor activity or imagery is manifested in the spectrum of the EEG data as changes in the power of particular frequency bands—e.g., the so-called mu and beta bands in EEG. Similar behavior is observed in ECoG data as well. Here we will examine algorithmic techniques for “fitting” a frequency band filter on ECoG data in order to maximise the discriminability of the resulting data. We will keep the choice of classifier fixed, and also supply you with some basic preprocessing code. References [3-6, 9].

EEG Data

BCI Competition: ( link to webpage) pick your favorite dataset, and either implement one or two of the submitted solutions, or compare the winning solution with your favourite algorithm. Talk to us for choices

Local Field Potentials and EEG: The idea is to estimate local field potentials directly from EEG, and thus get a better understanding of the underlying neural processes recorded on the surface of the scalp as EEG. These estimates could presumably also be useful for BCI purposes. This is a harder project—see refs [1,2].

Possible projects using our EEG recording system:

  1. Classification of motor imagery data: we will explore the classical EEG-based BCI paradigm, that of classifying data recorded during imagined movements of hands, feet, tongue. See refs [10,11]
  2. Classification of P300 evoked response: this is also a common BCI paradigm where the subject's reaction to a visual stimulus is gauged and used for communication. See refs [12,13]
  3. Image processing using cortical computing [14]. Here, we use human brains as a computing substrate that can sort out pictures of faces from pictures of inanimate objects, solely by virtue of the reaction to presented visual stimuli.
  4. Neural correlates of motor learning: Psychophysical research literature aims to build qualitative models of human sensorimotor learning. Evidence of learning can also be observed at the neural level. Can we also do this at the EEG level? See refs [14-17].

Reading Projects

The idea in these projects would be to read a set of closely related papers investigating a topic of interest to BCI. You will make a presentation to the class explaining the new issue and summarising the papers, and, based on the topic, present a written report consisting of a synthesis, comparison, or possible future work and improvements.

  1. EEG artifacts and modeling/rejection. A significant problem in the analysis of EEG data is its extreme sensitivity to artifacts arising from muscle activity, eyeblinks and movement. What techniques do people use to deal with these artifacts? Can they be removed from the EEG? This can also be converted into data analysis project with our EEG recording system. See refs [18-21].
  2. Learning, longitudinal study, rehab issues, etc-- What does it take to build an EEG-based BCI? Who can use one? How do things change over time? See refs [22-25].
  3. Other sources of information: phase synchrony, presence of an error potential-- in the vanilla BCI paradigms, you can squeeze extra information out of the EEG data, and also by observing user reactions to errors made by the BCI system [26-30].
  4. Neural correlates of motor learning: Psychophysical research literature aims to build qualitative models of human sensorimotor learning. Evidence of learning can also be observed at the neural level. Can we also do this at the EEG level? See refs [15-17].
  5. The BCI Taxonomy project—summarize the results. The idea here is to build a generic description, structure and terminology that covers the variety of BCI systems being designed.
  6. Other paradigms for BCI: This could be either a different interaction scheme, e.g., steady-state somatosensory evoked potentials, or a different recording scheme--e.g., infrared, FMRI, MEG, etc.


  1. Non-Invasive Estimation of Local Field Potentials for Neuroprosthesis Control, R. Grave de Peralta Menendez, S. Gonzalez Andino, L. Perez, P.W. Ferrez, and J. del R. Millán, in “Cognitive Processing, Special Issue on Motor Planning in Humans and Neuroprosthesis Control” link
  2. Electrical neuroimaging based on biophysical constraints. Grave de peralta menendez R, Murray MM, et al. Neuroimage 21 (2004)
  3. A brain-computer interface using electrocorticographic signals in humans. Eric C Leuthardt, Gerwin Schalk, Jonathan R Wolpaw, Jeffrey G Ojemann and Daniel W Moran. J. Neural Eng. 1(2), 2004.
  4. Optimizing spatio-temporal filters for improving Brain-Computer Interfacing. Guido Dornhege, Benjamin Blankertz, Matthias Krauledat, Florian Losch, Gabriel Curio, Klaus-Robert Mueller, NIPS 05.
  5. Pregenzer, M.; Pfurtscheller, G.: Frequency Component Selection for an EEG-Based Brain Computer Interface (BCI). . – in: IEEE Trans Rehab Engg. (1999) S. 413 – 419
  6. Ramoser, H.; Müller-Gerking, J.; Pfurtscheller, G.: Optimal spatial filtering of single trial EEG during imagined hand movement. – in: IEEE transactions on rehabilitation engineering 8 (2000) , S. 441-446
  7. ICA For Dummies
  8. Jung T-P, Makeig S, Lee T-W, Mc Keown? MJ, Brown G, Bell AJ, and Sejnowski TJ, “Independent Component Analysis of Biomedical Signals,” (.pdf, 863k) Second International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation, Helsinki, pp. 633-44, 2000. link
  9. Pfurtscheller, G.; Lopes da Silva, F.: Event-related EEG/MEG synchronization and desynchronization: Basic principles. – in: Journal of clinical neurophysiology 110 (1999)
  10. Guido Dornhege, Benjamin Blankertz, Gabriel Curio, and Klaus-Robert Müller. Boosting bit rates in non-invasive EEG single-trial classifications by feature combination and multi-class paradigms. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 51(6):993-1002, 2004.
  11. Schlögl, A.; Lee, F. Y.; Bischof, H.; Pfurtscheller, G.: Characterization of Four-Class Motor Imagery EEG Data for the BCI-Competition 2005. – in: Journal of neural engineering 2 (2005)
  12. Robust Classification of EEG Signal for Brain–Computer Interface. Thulasidas, M.; Guan, C.; Wu, J. TNSRE 14 (1) 2006.
  13. ERPs evoked by different matrix sizes: implications for a brain computer interface (BCI) system
    Allison, B.Z.; Pineda, J.A. TNSRE 2003
  14. P. Sajda, A. Gerson and L.C. Parra (2003) High-throughput Image Search via Single-trial Event Detection in a Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Task, IEEE Conference on Neural Engineering Capri Island, Italy, March 20-22, 2003
  15. M.G. Philiastides and P. Sajda (2005) Temporal Characterization of the Neural Correlates of Perceptual Decision Making in the Human Brain, Cerebral Cortex.
  16. Gandolfo, F., Li, C.-S., Benda, B.J., Padoa-Schioppa, C. & Bizzi, E. (2000) Cortical correlates of learning in monkeys adapting to a new dynamical environment. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 97, 2259-2263
  17. Emerging Patterns of Neuronal Responses in Supplementary and Primary Motor Areas during Sensorimotor Adaptation. R. Paz, C. Natan, T. Boraud, H. Bergman, and E. Vaadia (2005). J. Neurosci. 25: 10941-10951
  18. Delorme, A., Sejnowski, T., Makeig, S. (2005) Improved rejection of artifacts from EEG data using high-order statistics and independent component analysis. Submitted to neuroimage link
  19. Schlögl, A.; Anderer, P.; Roberts, S. J.; Pregenzer, M.; Pfurtscheller, G.: Artefact detection in sleep EEG by the use of Kalman filtering. – in: Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC ‘99. (1999) S. 1648-1649
  20. Roberts, S. J.; Everson, J.; Rezek, I.; Anderer, P.; Schlögl, A.: Tracking ICA for EEG Eye Movement Artifact Removal. – in: Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC ‘99. (1999)
  21. Jung T-P, Makeig S, Westerfield M, Townsend J, Courchesne E, and Sejnowski TJ. ” Removal of eye activity artifacts from visual event-related potentials in normal and clinical subjects (.pdf, 1.3Mb),” Clinical Neurophysiology 111(10), 1745-58, 2000.
  22. How many people are able to operate an EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI)? Guger, C.; Edlinger, G.; Harkam, W.; Niedermayer, I.; Pfurtscheller, G. TNSRE 2003
  23. Learning to control brain rhythms: making a brain-computer interface possible
    Pineda, J.A.; Silverman, D.S.; Vankov, A.; Hestenes, J. TNSRE 2003.
  24. EEG changes accompanying learned regulation of 12-Hz EEG activity. Delorme, A.; Makeig, S. TNSRE 2003.
  25. Evolution of the Mental States Operating a Brain-Computer Interface, J. Mouri no, S. Chiappa, R. Jané, and J. del R. Millán, in “Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering”, 2002
  26. Phase Synchrony Rate for the Recognition of Motor Imagery in Brain-Computer Interface. Le Song, Evian Gordon, Elly Gysel. NIPS 2005
  27. Brunner, C.; Graimann, B.; Huggins, J. E.; Levine, S. P.; Pfurtscheller, G.:
    Phase relationships between different subdural electrode recordings in man. – in: Neuroscience letters 375 (2005) 2 , S. 69-74
  28. Response error correction-a demonstration of improved human-machine performance using real-time EEG monitoring. Parra, L.C.; Spence, C.D.; Gerson, A.D.; Sajda, P. TNSRE 2003
  29. Schalk, G.; Wolpaw, J.; MCFarland, J.; Pfurtscheller, G.: EEG-based communication: presence of an error potential. – in: Clinical neurophysiology (2000) , S. 2138-2144
  30. You are wrong! Automatic detection of errors from Brain Waves. P. W. Ferrez, J. del R. Millan. IJCAI 2005

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