hw3: Website/App Accessibility UARS (Individual)

Last revised: October 10, 2023




The goal of this homework is to learn about basics of website accessibility and how to assess. In part 1, you: Learn how to use automated tools (and their limitations); Learn how to address the limitations of automated tools using accessibility tools; In part 2, you: Learn how to write up an assessment and prioritize what problems to fix; Practice identifying paths to fixing problems. You will also have the opportunity to practice UI image description.


This homework may contribute to your competency grade on

Length & Difficulty

Students in the past have reported that taken together, part 1 (assigned Oct 11) and part 2 of this assignment (assigned Oct 18) require a median of 20 hours (mode=6). A challenge that multiple students faced is summarizing the WCAG guidelines in their own words. Please be sure to do so, or to quote and reference WCAG guidelines according to our course policy on academic conduct. Some things that students have told us about this assignment:

Here is a sample set of UARs that a prior student who completed this assignment has kindly shared with us for you to look at.


Your goal is to generate a range of UARs (Usability Aspect Reports) documenting accessibility concerns (and perhaps successes) with a website or app. You will use W3C guidelines for the site or app you are assessing.

The most relevant are probably WCAG 2.1 and How WCAG 2.0 Applies to Mobile (even websites may be used in mobile settings). If you are working on a mobile app, you should also review this PDF (specifically page 9): Epidemiology as a Framework for Large-Scale Mobile Application Accessibility Assessment.

Optional readings:

0. Look over your assigned website and select 3 tasks

You will be assigned to one of eight websites that were submitted by external organizations for review. Please see Canvas for your specific assignment group. Note that this is not a group project, we are asking you to individually work on your assigned website this week. You will join forces next week to write a report.

You will need to select what aspect of this site to test, you should have at least 3 different well defined tasks that you test. For example, for DSHS, you might select tasks such as something from the “How Do I” column; contacting support, and finding information about something in the Disability support section.

List of Websites

1. Collect Data on accessibility problems using an automated accessibility checker

For each of these steps, you will record data about what you find so that you can complete the write up at the end.

You should run the website and/or app through an accessibility checker. The WebAim accessibility checker, WAVE, is a great choice for many sites. However, if the site requires that you log in, you may need an alternative. A great choice is the Axe Chrome plugin.

To install the Accessibility Scanner on android, search for it in the Play Store and install it on your device or emulator. The installation process will be the same for a physical phone or the emulator equipped with the Play Store. Follow the instructions on the Getting started with Google Accessibility Scanner page to get the scanner working on your device. Another option is to install the Android Accessibility Suite which contains both the Accessibility Scanner and TalkBack if it has not been installed before.

For iOS, you should install the Accessibility Inspector, which is freely available through the App Store. More details on testing for accessibility in iOS.

2. Collect Data on accessibility problems using TWO DIFFERENT accessibility technologies

Use multiple approaches, including at a minimum a screen reader, and an other AT to assess the accessibility of the website and/or app, and your ability to complete the assigned task using accessibility tools. The second AT you choose should provide different information than what a screen reader would. For example, using switch control or voice input are good second choices. However, using the tab key to navigate the website as the second AT is NOT considered for competency. You may also use other accessibility tools if

Here are some resources that may help you in gaining comfort with these accessibility technologies

3. Record the data in a Usability Aspect Report

Record each group of similar issues you find using this Usability Aspect Report Template. Here is a sample set of UARs that a prior student has kindly shared with us for you to look at. Make sure that your UARs are accessible. Be sure to include problems that you found with an automated tool and things that you could only find using manual testing with a screen reader or other accessibility technology.

Some key things to make note of:


  1. Submit your UARS (an accessible document that is not a PDF) as an attachment to the appropriate discussion as specified in Canvas. In addition to your UARs, this document should :
    • Specify the tasks you were testing in your submission.
    • An answer to this question: What are some examples of problems you could only identify with manual testing using an accessibility technology (instead of an automated tester)?
  2. Also upload this document as a file upload on canvas.