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4/3: Understanding Users: Techniques for interviewing users
In class: Survey of project preferences and experience
4/10 Tablet lecture
Due: Group Assignment 1: Interview
Schedule user interviews for Week 3.
4/17: Introduction to Personas:
Guest Lecture by John
Pruitt of Microsoft.
Required Reading:
Practice and Theory" by John Pruitt and Jonathan Grudin
Recommended Reading:
Chapter 5 of
About Face by Alan Cooper (you'll need to read it anyway for Group Assignment 2)
Due: Programming Assignment
4/24: User studies with your paper prototype
Due: Scenarios for Group
Assignment 2
5/1: Advanced Tablet topics: Gestures, UI issues, handwriting recognition
5/8: Presentation of Group Assignment 4
Due: Group Assignment 4: User evaluation of paper prototype
At some point toward the end of the quarter we will switch to meeting officially
once a week. That meeting will have demos and project updates from each
group. The other class time may be used by groups for informal meetings.
5/13: Due: Each group's list of the features for their Minimum
Viable Product. Send via email to the instructors. We also suggest you
post it on your team's project website.
Meeting Schedule: noon: Group 1
112:30: Group 3
1:00 : Group 2
5/15 Meeting Schedule: noon: Group 4
1:00: Group 5
5/22: Checkpoint Demos by groups. Each group will present/demo the current state of their applications. They will also discuss their plan for finishing up. The Project Evaluation Criteria page lists questions for evaluating your group's progress.
No scheduled class. During this week we will meet with the groups individually again.
5/27: Meeting Schedule: noon: Group 1
112:30: Group 3
1:00 : Group 2
5/29 Due: Group Assignment 5: User study with your application prototype
Meeting Schedule: noon: Group 4
1:00: Group 5
6/5 No scheduled class.
6/12 10:30 - 12:20 Group Project Presentations