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CSE 490ra Group Assignment 4: User Studies with your Paper Prototypes
Due: May 8th

For this assignment your group will do at least 2 user studies with your paper prototype.  You'll need to come up with a script for the user study, turn-in the notes from the interview, and show screen shots of any changes to your paper prototypes. 

Turnin details: Post the script, notes and changes to your prototypes on a webpage(s). Email a link or the pages to the instructors. Each group member must individually email the answers to the reflective questions to the instructors.  Make sure that everything submitted clearly has your names on it (include your last name or group number in the title of any attachments).

Script for user study 

This should outline the key task you identified in Assignment 3 that you will be asking the user to accomplish with your paper prototype. The idea here is to provide enough realistic context to get the user started. One good way to do this is to write out a scenario on a piece of paper for the user to read. 

For example, if you'd like the user to read some code, comment on it, and give out a grade your scenario might be:

You are a TA in 142 and the students have just submitted the latest assignment.  After using the script provided by the instructors to run the programs, you now need to read through the assignments and made comments on the student's code and assign a final grade. You decide to start with Jeff's assignment and you want to make sure that he has appropriate comments. You grab your Tablet computer, start <your application name here> and begin reading Jeff's assignment.....