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CSE 490ra Group Project Evaluation Criteria

1. Group Organization:

    Have team members been assigned different roles?

    How clear are individual responsibilities?

    What is the decomposition of the development work?

     Are all group members participating?

    What is the plan for integration?

    Does the group have a high level of communication?

2. Current status:

    Where is the group in terms of development?

    Is the group on target to meet the MVP?

3. Development plans:

    What are the plans for meeting the MVP features?  (Must haves)

    What are the plans for meeting the Target features?  (Should haves)

    What are the plans for meeting the Stretch features?  (It would be cool to have)

    Are there project milestones?

    Tablet coolness; how is the application going to take advantage of the features of the tablet pc?


4. Infrastructure:

    Is there a well maintained team website?

    Is source control in place? 

    Is someone responsible for builds and constructing an MSI?

    Is there a depository for written documentation?

    Are APIs or Interfaces written down?


5. User design

    Does the project meet the Persona's goals?

    Are the key paths represented in the MVP?

    Has the prototype work influenced design?