Schedule for CSE466, Spring Quarter 2000

The following schedule is tentative. I reserve the right to add a quiz. The lab assignments have been roughed out, but they will be defined and specified by the students during in-class system design meetings. This table will be filled in with links as the quarter progresses. Check early and often!

Day Lecture Lab

Supporting Docs

Assignment (due prior to lecture)
M 3/27 Introduction: What is an Embedded System or ppt Heartbeat          
W 3/29 Class Policies and C Resource Analysis from Lab1or ppt

Design Meeting Notes 1

F 3/31 8051 Architecture Overview or ppt          
M 4/3 Speaker Interface Design or ppt Adam and the A-Tones Interrupts and Timers (due 4/3) and the Solution
W 4/5 HW1 and 2 Review, Electronics Review, 8051 I/O  or ppt

Design Meeting Notes 2

Basic Electronics, Reset Circuit  solution in today's lecture notes  
F 4/7 Embedded Hardware (See 4/5 notes

Binary Format and 
Text Format
Some Midi Links 

M 4/10 RS232 Serial Interface Overview  

Tone Gen. Spreadsheet

Echo and the Bunnymen

Using the Serial Port on the 8051    
W 4/12 Memory Mapped I/O or ppt      
F 4/14 Memory Mapped I/O, Power Supply Noise or ppt

Tools for Midi Conversion     

Feasibility Study: Streaming v. RAM   
M 4/17 Buffering and Midi Translation or ppt Maestro  

Design Meeting Notes 3

W 4/19 Quiz    
F 4/21 More on Queues and Embedded SW Intro or ppt

Read about Tiny

Draw a task diagram of implementation for Lab4
M 4/24 Embedded SW and Intro to RTOS or ppt Maestro RTX 

Design Meeting Notes 4

W 4/26 Embedded OS Scheduling and Reentrancy or ppt    
F 4/28 Palm OS or ppt     Prepare for Design Meeting (see 4/26 lecture notes)   
M 5/1 Stack Management and Design Notes or ppt Conductor      
W 5/3 Linux version of Maestro, Apps and Device Drivers or ppt    
F 5/5 More Device Drivers. Distributed Architectures or ppt     Detailed design of two-way pilot/player protocol 
M 5/8 Master Slave Implementation or ppt Round Trip    
W 5/10 Quiz    
F 5/12 Embedded Networking or ppt        
M 5/15 I2C Introduction or ppt Smoke Signals  Read I2C Spec -- first ~12 pages or so.   Read about the I2C bus interface IC
W 5/17 Application Layer for Chat or ppt  
F 5/19 Transport Layer and Physical Layer or ppt     Write  int call(char c)      
M 5/22 Physical Layer, Debugging, Safety Intro or ppt Final Project Choose final project/topic   
W 5/24       
F 5/26 Safety or ppt        
M 5/29 No Class Open      
W 5/31 Safety Conclusion. PCB Layout or ppt    
F 6/2 Student Reports and Demos