Tools for Midi Conversion to CSE format
1. MIDI to Note Sequence Converter (Windows Executable) mididmp.exe contains the windows executable and an explanation of the format.. Example usage on Windows:
mididmp what.mid > what.txt
2. Note Sequence File to CSE binary format Conversion (Unix):
here is the source, the executable(UNIX),
or executable(NT),
and build script. Debug or enhance as you see fit. The
program sends a lot of debug, logging info to stdout, and it sends the compiled
hex data to a file that you specify. You can redirect the stdout to a file if
you want it to run quickly and not pollute your screen. Example usage
mid2cse what.txt 3 200 10 what.hex
3 is the track number (look at what.txt to see what this means)
200 is the beat in terms of quarter notes/second
10 is the number of milliseconds in the timeslice that you will run on your processor (for notes not for tone generation). We agreed on 18ms, but I ran this example at 10 just to get more resolution. Track three is the best in this case because the events are less frequent. Track 2 is very detailed, and might not play that great on our system. Worth a try though.
what.hex is the output file. You can hack the software to generate a chunk of C-code for hard coded songs.