Phase 3 Grading Criteria
Group Name:
Group Members:
Data Consuming - 20 points
_____ (4 points) Store sucessfully displays product details for products sold from the example store.
_____ (8 points) Store sucessfully displays product details for products sold from classmates stores.
_____ (4 points) Stock information is not allowed to become more than an hour old.
Data Publishing - 16 points
_____ (4 points) GetProducts produces valid XML comsumable by other stores.
_____ (4 points) GetUpdatedStock works correctly.
_____ (4 points) PackageDetails returns valid XML and appropriate shipping information.
_____ (4 poitns) Place order produces valid XML.
Making Partner Purchases - 20 points
_____ (8 points) Products can be purchased successfully from the example store.
_____ (8 points) Products from store can be purchased sucessfully from example store.
_____ (4 points) Store users see an appropriate order summary when making purchases from multiple stores.
Code, Turnin, and "On-Timeness" - 8 points
_____ (0 points) Phase A deadline met and code turned in. (-2 per hour late up to -30)
_____ (0 points) Phase B deadline met and code turned in. (-2 per hour late up to -60)
_____ (8 points) Code takes a reasonable approach at solving required tasks.
_____ /60