Project Phase 1
The goal of the first phase is to build an extremely simple database application using SQL Server. You will be expected to create a database schema, build a database on the SQL Server, import some provided data, and create a simple web front end.
In each of the domains, you will get a description of what the database should store. The description of the domain will be given informally, and you will need to prepare a database schema that models the domain.
Your schema should have at the least four tables, but can be much larger. Some of the tables will have five columns or more. There can *hint* be foreign keys between columns in different tables. Each column must have a data-type and declared to be either a key or not a key. Choose informative column and table names.
Application Domains
More details for each application domain are below. Refer to the description page if you can't remember which domain you are in.
UPDATE: [Sept 30, 1PM] For now, just populate your database with some example data that you make up. Each table should have at least 10 records, and try to demonstrate as many aspects of your schema as posible. Feel free to be creative with this and have some fun. (In phase 2 we will give you some book and music data that we will expect you to import, but we don't need alot of data right now).
Part A
Due: Friday October 14th 2005 @ 11:59PM
Tasks for Part A are:
- Your database schema.
- Your actual database on SQL Server.
- Populate tables.
You will be expected to turn in:
- Your database on the server. Name your database with your CSEID and domain. Example: nbales_inventory
Part B
Due: Thursday October 20th 2005 @ 11:59PM
Tasks for Part B are:
- Implement the web front end.
You will be expected to turn in:
- Your front-end published on IISQLSRV.
(I should be able to access it via[YOUR CSE NETID]/default.aspx) - Also include in your web root a zip archive with all your source code (.aspx / .cs)
(I should be able to download it via[YOUR CSE NETID]/
Note: For this turn in, and in the future, I will be checking the last modified time stamp on iisqlsrv to enforce the deadline. (I know, I don't like deadlines either.)
The Inventory Domain
An inventory in general is a catalog of all the products that a company has. In this case, the company sells books and CDs on its web site. You have been in business for quite some time and your retail business is fairly large. In the interest of efficiency, you have a number of warehouses spread out across the country. Each of these warehouses have different stock quantities of each of the products that are on sale.
Your schema must model the details of all products you have and their availability at the different warehouses, and the warehouses themselves. Here are some details about each of the data entities that your schema should model.
Every book has:
- A Title
- One or More Authors
- A Publisher
- A Selling Price
- The Shipping Weight
Every CD has:
- An Album Name
- One or More Artists
- A Recording Studio
- A Selling Price
- The Shipping Weight
Each of the books and CDs can be either in-stock or out-of-stock at the different warehouses. You will be definitely interested in the quantity in stock at your warehouses (for each product), so that you have an up-to-date availability information.
Every Warehouse has:
- A Location (street address, city, state, zip code)
- Contact Information (telephone number, fax number, manager's name)
Additional Modeling:
In addition to the above aspects of the domain, you must add 4 or more attributes of your own. You are welcome to visit any of your favorite online stores for ideas on additional attributes to model in your application.
Part B Stuff
Working Example
Note: Yours can't possibly look exactly like this because you have to add four attributes of your own, and you will have different data.
Starter Project
Queries You Should Support
The interface to the system will be an ASP.NET web page (see the Resources page for details on how to do that). For each of the queries below, you should have a form that implements it. Do make sure that you have a default.aspx form and that all the other forms can be reached from it. Feel free to use either C# or VB.NET, though I expect C# will be a lot more pleasant.
- Display all products in the inventory (with some details on each).
- Given an identifier of a product, display a product page with all the information on it. (Note, you can implement this by adding a link from the answer to the previous query to the product page).
- Display products that are currently out of stock.
- Given an integer, find all the products whose inventory is at least that number.
- Find all products that are stocked in more than N warehouses (where N is the input).
- Given an author or artist, find all their products (and the number of such products).
- Given a product, return the addresses of the warehouses in which they are stocked.
The Billing and Invoice Domain
An invoice is a record of a business transaction, and hence the billing and invoice database has a record on all your transactions. It is thus probably the most crucial component of your business. There is typically a invoice for every order that a customer places. This invoice records all the information regarding the items being purchased as well as information about the customer.
Your schema must model the details of all the purchases that are made by customers, and also information about the customers themselves. Here are some of the data entities of interest.
Each invoice has:
- A unique number (or ID) for tracking purposes
- Order date that corresponds to the date the order was placed
- One or more items. (Different products)
- The customer who placed the order
- The address that the order is billed to
- The address that the order is shipped to
- Shipping Method (This will be a number)
- Total Price (The total price of a purchase can comprise of various parts, such as the subtotals, markups if being purchased through a partner, discounts if any, the cost of shipping, and local taxes, if any.)
- Credit Card Details
Each item purchased has to be connected to the corresponding invoice number. The product that is being purchased has to be identified by its unique identifier. The item name is usually enlightening (book or CD title). Since the customer might order more than one copy of the book or CD, the quantity of the order is important, as well as the price and discount per unit at the time of purchase.
Shippers will put items into packages. Each item will be in a package (assume packages have integer ids). Sometimes if more than one of the same item are ordered, they will end up in more than one package.
Each customer has: (A customer is either the person who bought an item or to whom an item is being shipped.)
- Name
- One or more set of contact information (may have a different billing and shipping
address that they want to keep on file)
- name (may be different if sending as a gift)
- phone
- address (sub divided into parts)
- Details for one or credit cards
- Email address (for login, separate from contact info)
- Password
Additional Modeling:
In addition to the above aspects of the domain, you must add 4 or more attributes of your own. You are welcome to visit any of your favorite online stores for ideas on additional attributes to model in your application.
Part B Stuff
Working Example
Note: Yours can't possibly look exactly like this because you have to add four attributes of your own, and you will have different data.
Starter Project
Queries You Should Support
The interface to the system will be an ASP.NET web page (see the Resources page for details on how to do that). For each of the queries below, you should have a form that implements it. Do make sure that you have a default.aspx form and that all the other forms can be reached from it. Feel free to use either C# or VB.NET, though I expect C# will be a lot more pleasant.
- Display all invoices in the database (with some details on each).
- Given an invoice ID, display an invoice page with all the information on it. (Note, you can implement this by adding a link from the answer to the previous query to the invoice page).
- Display invoices from the last week.
- Given an integer, find all the invoices that contain at least that number of products.
- Find all invoices that resulted in more than N packages (where N is the input).
- Given a name of customer, find all the invoices pertaining to that customer.
- Given a city name, return how many copies of each product in the database is being shipped to that city (when it's at least one).
The Shipping Domain
This domain pertains to the shipping and delivery of the items that have been purchased by customers. Customers can choose from many shipping methods (e.g., Next Day, Standard Ground). The options might be priced differently and offered by different shipping agents (e.g., UPS, FedEx). The shipping and delivery database should also keep an accurate record of the status of the orders.
Your schema must model the various shipping options that are available, and enable tracking of the progress of any order.
There has to be a record of each package that has been shipped. Each package has:
- The invoice number of the corresponding order.
- The package weight.
- Number of items in that package
- Method of Shipping (Implies which Vendor, UPS Ground implies UPS)
- The Tracking Number
- Special Shipping Instructions (e.g., whether the signature is waived, directions to the house)
- The source warehouse
- Customer ID of customer Being Shipped To
- Pick-up and Delivery Times
- Package Status (i.e., either pending, in progress, or completed)
Shipping Vendors
There are shipping vendors like UPS, FedEX, or DHL. Each agent has name, a url, and a toll free number. Each vendor has local agents in different cities which each have local address and phone number. Each local agent may serve one or more warehouses. There is a scheduled daily pickup time associated with each warehouse that an agent serves. (Warehouses are part of the inventory domain, refer to them using an int id)
Shipping Methods
Different vendors provide different shipping options such as Standard, Next Day, or Overnight. Each of these options are priced differently. The unit of pricing can be by weight, by number of items, [FIXED: Oct 11 | by distance], or just fixed rate (or a combination!). The price per unit might also vary substantially. Each shipping method has a guaranteed time to delivery. In addition, of course, there may be restrictions with each method including maximum weight, distance, maximum items per package, etc. You can assume that the shipping options of a particular vendor are independent of the warehouse of origin. Methods can be considered unique to each vendor. If two vendors offer methods with equivalent properties then can be considered separate methods. (For example, UPS Ground and FedEx Ground may have the same properties but they can be considered separate methods.)
Additional Modeling:
In addition to the above aspects of the domain, you must add 4 or more attributes of your own. You are welcome to visit any of your favorite online stores for ideas on additional attributes to model in your application.
Part B Stuff
Working Example
Note: Yours can't possibly look exactly like this because you have to add four attributes
of your own, and you will have different data. Starter
Queries You Should Support
The interface to the system will be an ASP.NET web page (see the Resources page for details on how to do that). For each of the queries below, you should have a form that implements it. Do make sure that you have a default.aspx form and that all the other forms can be reached from it. Feel free to use either C# or VB.NET, though I expect C# will be a lot more pleasant.
- Display all packages in the database (with some details on each).
- Given an package ID, display all the information about the package. (Note, you can implement this by adding a link from the answer to the previous query to the package page).
- Display packages that are due to arrive today.
- Given an integer, find all the packages that weigh at least that number.
- Fixed 10/5Given a shipping vendor, display all packages they have on route or have already delivered.
- Clairfied 10/5Given a distance, package weight, and number of items in the package, find the shipping options for that package. (Assume all vendors are avalible at warehouse)
- Clairfied 10/5Given a distance, package weight, and number of items in the package, find the cheapest shipping method for that package. (Assume all vendors are avalible at warehouse)