An initial sketch of Kibisis, then called by code name 'Mobile Wallet.'

how did we design kibisis?

contextual inquiry

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The aim of our contextual inquiry was to learn more about the practices of our target audience: people who exchange money with each other frequently, such as college-age students who borrow and lend often, and share payments at restaurants or for rent.

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task analysis and design sketches

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We analyzed the activities that our target audience has regarding money usage and transfer with other individuals. By seeing what our target users do now, and what they want to do, we were able to design several sketches of a potential money transfer application.

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low-fidelity prototype

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Armed with our sketches of potential designs, we aggregated the features into a paper prototype, which we then tested on users. We made changes to the interface based on tester feedback, rapidly iterating over the design of Kibisis.

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video prototype

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Our video prototype illustrates three possible scenarios in which Kibisis could be used, displaying context of possible uses. It also shows how interaction with a fully-fledged Kibisis application would work, using a paper prototype.

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interactive prototype

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Having gone through several iterations of our low-fidelity prototype, we created an interactive prototype that you can interact with on this website. The interactive prototype is the result of our many iterations and quarter-long design process. Enjoy!

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See interactive prototype