CSE 390b Winter 2022
Hw Topics

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January 6 Project 0: GitLab Setup and Course Setup Worksheet due
January 13 Project 1: Boolean Logic and Study Skills Inventory due
January 20 Project 2: Boolean Arithmetic and 24-Hour Time Audit due
January 27 Project 3: Memory and Cornell Note-Taking Method due
February 3 Project 4: Machine Language, Building a Computer Part I, and Annotation
February 17 Project 5: Building a Computer Part II and Timed Mock Exam due
February 24 Project 6: Midterm Corrections & Professor Meeting Report due
March 8 Project 7: Compilers & Debugging due
Final Project Part I: Project Outline Submission due
March 13 Final Project Part II: Mock E-Portfolio Presentation & Peer Feedback due
March 14 Final Project Part III: Final E-Portfolio Project Presentation Final Project Presentations