Project 5: Building a Computer Part II and Timed Mock Exam

Due on Thursday, February 17th at 11:59pm PST


  • To combine the components you've built in previous projects, culminating in a fully working computer!
  • To study the flow of data within a typical computer system.
  • To practice taking a mock exam and reflect on how you prepare for exams.

Part 0: Get the Starter Materials

To complete this assignment, you will need to use git to access the starter materials that have been pushed to your repository by the course staff. First, run git status and see if it reports any changes. If you have any, you'll need to commit them before proceeding (git add . followed by git commit -m "Your message here"). Then, run:

After running that command, you have synchronized the local copy of your repo with the copy on the server. Very rarely, you may get a "merge conflict" where git can't automatically figure out how to combine the changes we pushed to the server. If that happens, feel free to email the staff list to resolve the issue.

Part I: Timed Mock Exam Problem

Each pair or triad of students will set-up a 30 minute session outside of class to conduct a timed mock exam problem. Time will be allocated in class for each pair/triad to connect and coordinate a time to do the mock exam problem. Once a time has been determined, students will need to note the day and time in which their pair/triad will be meeting on the google sheet shared in class. A link to the sheet can also be found on the course Discussion Board.

In your 30 minute session, each group will perform the following items:

  1. Set-Up: 5 minutes
    • Remove as many distractions as possible (i.e. find a quiet space, turn your phone to silent, etc).
    • Each student should have their camera on
    • Determine someone to start a timer for your mock exam problem
    • Grab a scrap piece of paper and pen for working through the mock exam problem
    • Pull-up the mock exam problem that was emailed to you the morning of

  2. Do the Mock Exam Problem: 10 Minutes

    Spend 10 minutes working through the mock exam problem individually. Treat it as though it is a problem on an exam!

  3. Debrief & Complete Reflection: 15 minutes

    After your time is up, debrief and discuss how you approached the mock exam problem and what that experience was like for you. As a pair/triad, complete the questions in the mock_exam_reflection.docx document located in your repo. Each person should type up and submit the answers you discuss.

Part II: Building a Computer


In previous projects we've built the computer's basic processing and storage devices (ALU and RAM, respectively). In this project we will put everything together, yielding the complete Hack Hardware Platform. The result will be a general-purpose computer that can run programs written in the Hack machine language.


Like projects 1, 2, and 3, in this project you will build a set of HDL chips. This time, you will build the highest-level chips in the whole system, culminating with the "Computer" chip itself. As usual, you should construct these chips using the chips listed in previous projects (with a few exceptions noted below), and we recommend going in the order shown.

Chip NameDescriptionTesting
LoadDReg.hdlLogic related to loading the D register. Estimated Difficulty: Easier.Test your chip using the provided LoadDReg.tst (& LoadDReg.cmp) test script.
LoadAReg.hdlLogic related to loading the A register. Estimated Difficulty: Easier.Test your chip using the provided LoadAReg.tst (& LoadAReg.cmp) test script.
JumpLogic.hdlLogic related to the program counter's load and inc signals. Estimated Difficulty: Mediumish.Test your chip using the provided JumpLogic.tst (& JumpLogic.cmp) test script.
CPU.hdlThe Hack CPU. Should make use of the previous three chips in your implementation, and we recommend using the ARegister and DRegister built-in chips for the corresponding registers in your implementation (see the Tips section for more information). Estimated Difficulty: Harder. Test your chip using the provided CPU.tst (& CPU.cmp) test script.
Computer.hdlThe computer itself! The top-most chip you will implement in this course. Estimated Difficulty: Easier.Test your chip by running Hack programs on it! You can start with the three listed below.


When run in the hardware simulator, the system you build should be capable of correctly executing programs written in the Hack machine language, as specified in Chapter 4.


Testing LoadDReg, LoadAReg, JumpLogic and CPU: It's crucial to unit-test these chips before integrating them into the overall Computer chip. We recommend starting with the LoadDReg, LoadAReg, and JumpLogic chips, and then using those to aid your CPU implementation.

Testing the Computer: Note that the Hack architecture and Hack machine language go hand-in-hand — that is, the specification of the Hack architecture's behavior (which you are implementing in Computer.hdl) is exactly defined by the rules and specification of Hack machine language. Therefore, the most effective way to test the correctness of Computer.hdl is to try running different Hack machine language programs on it! We provide three test programs that can be used for this purpose, listed below. Note that "running a program" on Computer.hdl consists of inserting that program's instructions on ROM, then starting the simulation. This is essentially like inserting a chip with a single program hard-coded on it into your computer before powering it on, which isn't quite analogous to the way your laptop executes programs, but is actually done in practice for things like microcontrollers and embedded systems! We choose that approach in this project for its simplicity.

For each of the following .hack programs, a corresponding .tst file (& .cmp file) is provided that will load it into ROM and execute it for you.

Add.hackAdds up the two constants 2 and 3 and writes the result in RAM[0]. Recommended script to test: ComputerAdd.tst (& ComputerAdd.cmp).
Max.hackComputes the maximum of RAM[0] and RAM[1] and writes the result in RAM[2]. Recommended script to test: ComputerMax.tst (& ComputerMax.cmp).
Rect.hackDraws a rectangle of width 16 pixels and length RAM[0] at the top left of the screen. Recommended script to test: ComputerRect.tst (& ComputerRect.cmp).

A Note on Testing: For this project, alternative test files are provided, suffixed with -external. That's because the normal test files exploit certain "behind-the-scenes" data exposed by the built-in versions of certain chips (like ARegister and DRegister) to read internal state of your CPU, allowing them to be much more thorough. However, if you would like to forego these built-in chips and use your own implementations instead, you won't have access to that additional testing data from your components, so you would have to use the -external versions which use only the chip's outputs to test. We strongly recommend the former approach, because the -external tests are not as thorough in general (and ARegister, DRegister, etc. have helpful GUI representations you can use for debugging).


See Chapter 5 for details about the computer's implementation, and refer to Chapter 4 for details about Hack machine language (particularly the encoding of its instructions). Use the HDL Reference or HDL Survival Guide to look up details of the language, and the TDL Reference to look up details about the test scripting language. You may also find the Hack Chip Set reference useful to remember chip interfaces.


We risk repeating ourselves too much here, but we strongly recommend you use the textbook chapters, specifically Chapter 5 and Chapter 4 (sections 5.3.1, 4.2.2, and 4.2.3 will be especially helpful with some of the details of the assignment).

Implementation Strategy

Complete the computer's construction in the following order:

LoadDReg, LoadAReg, and JumpLogic: These chips implement some of the combinational logic of the CPU, and we provide you tests to help check you understand the specifications correctly. This will hopefully allow you to build the resulting CPU in a more incremental manner (potentially helping catch future bugs).

CPU: This chip can be constructed according to the proposed CPU implementation given in Figure 5.9 of Chapter 5, using the ALU and register chips built in Projects 2 and 3, respectively. However, we recommend using built-in chip-parts instead, in particular ARegister and DRegister. The built-in versions of these two chips have exactly the same interface and functionality as those of the Register chip specified in Chapter 3; however, they feature GUI side-effects that come in handy for testing purposes.

We have chosen to include internal chips (LoadDReg, LoadAReg, JumpLogic) not mentioned in Figure 5.9 of Chapter 5. This might yield a slightly less efficient CPU design, but the added scaffolding will hopefully make implementing the CPU more manageable. We do not recommend creating more internal chips than the ones we provide, though it may be possible (feel free to ask us if you have any particularly intriguing ideas in mind).

Instruction Memory: Use the built-in ROM32K chip. It is similar to the RAM chips you've implemented, but handles the loading of programs for you.

Computer: The top-most Computer chip can be constructed according to the proposed implementation shown in Figure 5.10 of Chapter 5.

Debugging tips

Due to the interconnected nature of the CPU, it can be difficult to debug when things are not quite working. We've compiled a list of debugging tips/strategies to try to help guide your debugging. We also encourage you to start early and make use of the discussion board and office hours when you find yourself stuck on a particular part. Here are some things you can do to debug your program:


As usual, you will test your chip implementations using the Hardware Simulator. The following diagram shows an example of testing the Rect.asm program using it.


To submit your project, make sure you commit and push your changes, then tag them as project-5 and push that tag as well:

Then, verify that the tag and all your code is uploaded correctly by checking on

Project Skills and Passing Requirements

Below are the skills you need to demonstrate in order to pass this project, along with concrete tasks we expect you to complete to demonstrate each skill. Remember that in order to receive a passing grade for the class, you must receive a passing grade on each project. Only completing the bare minimum to pass a project will result in a low grade. See the syllabus for more details and let us know if you have any questions.