Project 6: Midterm Corrections & Professor Meeting Report

Midterm Corrections Due Thursday, February 24th, 2022 at 11:59pm PST (No Late Days!)

Professor Meeting Report Due Thursday, March 3rd, 2022 at 11:59pm PST


  • To reinforce the topics covered by the midterm without time pressure
  • To practice interacting with your professors in a meaningful way.

Part 0: Get the Starter Materials

To complete this assignment, you will need to use git to access the starter materials that have been pushed to your repository by the course staff. First, run git status and see if it reports any changes. If you have any, you'll need to commit them before proceeding (git add . followed by git commit -m "Your message here"). Then, run:

After running that command, you have synchronized the local copy of your repo with the copy on the server. Very rarely, you may get a "merge conflict" where git can't automatically figure out how to combine the changes we pushed to the server. If that happens, feel free to email the staff list to resolve the issue.

Part I: Exam Corrections

For this part of the assignment, you will submit a corrected copy of the midterm exam. You may use your notes, course materials, and project tools (e.g. the Hardware Simulator) as you work on corrections. You may also collaborate with other students to discuss concepts at a high level, but you may not share your solutions with other students. You may submit in any format you like (e.g. .pdf, .docx by pushing the files in the projects/6 folder of your repository.

This is intended to be a learning experience. If you feel stuck at any point on the exam, don't hesitate to get in touch with the course staff! We're happy to help you get unstuck.

Part II: Professor Meeting Report

For this part of the assignment, you will meet with the professor for one of your classes and write a short report reflecting on your experience. Read the full instructions in your repo given in the file projects/6/professor_meeting_instructions.docx. After you have read the instructions and met with your professor, you will submit your report by uploading a separate .docx or .pdf file in the projects/6 directory of your repo.

To give you extra time to setup a meeting with your professors, the professor meeting report is not due until 2 weeks after the assigned day (see the deadlines listed at the top of the assignment).

Since some course instructors may take a while to get back to you, we strongly recommend reaching out ASAP to set up a meeting. When you do meet, be sure to come prepared with a list of questions to ask. If you have emailed your professors in advance and believe you will have trouble setting up a meeting with the professor of your choice, please utilize our course's extension request process. See our course syllabus outlining our extension request policy.


To submit your project, make sure you commit and push your changes, then tag them as project-6 and push that tag as well:

Then, verify that the tag and all your files are uploaded correctly by checking on

Project Skills and Passing Requirements

Below are the skills you need to demonstrate in order to pass this project, along with concrete tasks we expect you to complete to demonstrate each skill. Remember that in order to receive a passing grade for the class, you must receive a passing grade on each project. Only completing the bare minimum to pass a project will result in a low grade. See the syllabus for more details and let us know if you have any questions.