Steam-powered Turing Machine University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE 378 Spring 2007
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Programming the Boards - Part 3: Implementation

To begin the implementation process, make sure that the Configure icon under the Implement button is turned on. All of the icons should be active when you start the implementation.

Turning on the Configure icon

Now, click on the Options button next to the Implement button. This will bring up another window. At this point, you will want to make sure that the "Run Mode" option is set to "Batch", and that the option selected for "Constraint File (UCF) Support" is "Custom Constraint File". Be sure to use the Browse button to locate the correct UCF file for the project that you are working on.

Setting Up the Implementation Process

Once you have finished that, click on the Translate tab. Make sure that the box next to "Allow Unmatched LOC Constraints" is selected. At this point, make sure that you have the lib378 core package downloaded and extracted. Point the "Macro Search Path" to the directory where you have placed the cores.

Configuring the Mapper

Next, click on the Bitstream tab. Make sure that the box next to "Create Bit File" is selected, or you will not generate the file required to program the board.

Configuring Bitgen

Once all this is done, click OK, then click the Implement button on the Design Flow. This will begin the implementation process. Once it completes, you will have a .bit file that you can use with Impact to program the board.

Previous Section: Synthesis Next Section: Impact

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