Retro prof in the lab University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE 378 Spring 2007
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    Office hours for the course staff are held in CSE 003 unless otherwise stated, and are currently scheduled as follows:

Mark Oskin (oskin@cs): Whenever the door to CSE 564 is open
Shen-Hui Lee (shen@cs): Tuesdays 2:30 - 3:30pm
Dana Fujimoto (cuteness@cs): Wednesdays 2:30 - 3:30pm
Roger Wong (shren@cs): Monday 12:30 - 1:30pm
Adrian Caulfield - SLA (adrianmc@cs): Whenever he's in the lab.

It is likely that we will also be in the lab at hours other than those scheduled, so feel free to ask any of us for help if we are in CSE 003.

Additionally, if you would rather email a request for help, please do not use the anonymous feedback form unless you are going to provide a way to contact you. Rather, send an email to cse378-tas@cs, and the TAs will try to respond to your request as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can email any of the course staff individually, but sending mail to the TA address will probably get you a quicker response.

CSE logo Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
[comments to Shen]