Steam-powered Turing Machine University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE 378 Spring 2007
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Register Units

Registers are a key component in the CPU. The basic purpose of a register is to store a value during a clock cycle and to update if necessary on the next positive edge. Registers are available as standalone components or as a register file for convenience.

Module: register

    The register is the most basic sequential element and this version is very simple.  The actual implementation depends on the ovi_unisim library. If you use this register you will be able to specify an initial value for the register. 


Name Default Description
EDGE 1'b1 1'b1 = posedge triggered, 1'b0 = negedge triggered
INIT 32'h0 initial value at GSR.  No WIDTH check
WIDTH 32 bit width of D and Q

Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
D In WIDTH input value
CLK In 1 clock signal 
Q Out WIDTH stored value




  • This symbol has a hidden CLK pin. Use a global wire to connect to the CLK.
  • There must be a glbl.GSR signal defined to use this component.

Module: register_r

    This is a register with a reset signal. You may choose synchronous or asynchronous reset using the SYNC_R parameter.  The actual implementation depends on the ovi_unisim library. If you use this register you will be able to specify an initial value for the register. 


Name Default Description
EDGE 1'b1 1'b1 = posedge triggered, 1'b0 = negedge triggered
INIT 32'h0 initial value at GSR.  No WIDTH check
SYNC_R 1'b1 1'b1 = synchronous, 1'b0 = asynchronous
WIDTH 32 bit width of D and Q

Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
D In WIDTH input value
CLK In 1 clock signal
RESET In 1 reset signal (Active High)
Q Out WIDTH stored value




  • This symbol has a hidden CLK pin. Use a global wire to connect to the CLK.
  • There must be a glbl.GSR signal defined to use this component.

Module: register_re

    This is extends register_r by the addition of a clock enable input. In other words, the register only updates when LD is high and the correct edge occurs. You may choose synchronous or asynchronous reset using the SYNC_R parameter.  The actual implementation depends on the ovi_unisim library. If you use this register you will be able to specify an initial value for the register. 


Name Default Description
EDGE 1'b1 1'b1 = posedge triggered, 1'b0 = negedge triggered
INIT 32'h0 initial value at GSR.  No WIDTH check
SYNC_R 1'b1 1'b1 = synchronous, 1'b0 = asynchronous
WIDTH 32 bit width of D and Q

Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
D In WIDTH input value
CLK In 1 clock signal
LD In 1 clock enable signal
RESET In 1 reset signal (Active High)
Q Out WIDTH stored value




  • This symbol has a hidden CLK pin. Use a global wire to connect to the CLK.
  • There must be a glbl.GSR signal defined to use this component.

Module: registerfile

        This component represents that standard MIPS register file.  It contains 32 32-bit registers, 2 read ports, and 1 write port.  Address 0 is always the value 0 for reading, and writing to register 0 is ignored.



Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
Read1 In 5 specify register to supply Data1
Read2 In 5 specify register to supply Data2
WriteReg In 5 specify register to write into
WriteData In 32 Data to write into register file
RegWrite In 1 write signal for register file
CLK In 1 clock signal
Data1 Out 32 output value in register READ1
Data2 Out 32 output value in register READ2




  • This symbol has a hidden CLK pin. Use a global wire to connect to the CLK.

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