Steam-powered Turing Machine University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE 378 Spring 2007
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Multiplexers are heavily used in computer architecture, but are basically simple devices. You'd have no trouble writing your own versions. The advantage of using these comes from the symbols. We designed the symbols to look like the multiplexers in the textbook, and to take up minimal screen real estate. Most muxes have two variants, one with a select input port on the top, and one with the same port on the bottom.

Module: mVw_2_1_top, mVw_2_1_bot


Name Default Description
WIDTH 32 bit width of inputs and outputs

Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
in0 In WIDTH input selected when sel = 0
in1 In WIDTH input selected when sel = 1
sel In 1 selects between in0 and in1
out Out WIDTH output of the multiplexer


  This is a variable width multiplexor. Note the red "V" in the center of the symbol. When using this mux, be sure to specify the width of any bus connected to it or the bus will default to being 8 bits wide.

Module: mVw_4_1_top, mVw_4_1_bot


Name Default Description
WIDTH 32 bit width of inputs and outputs

Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
in0 In WIDTH input selected when sel = 0
in1 In WIDTH input selected when sel = 1
in2 In WIDTH input selected when sel = 2
in3 In WIDTH input selected when sel = 3
sel In 2 selects between in0, in1, in2, and in3
out Out WIDTH output of the multiplexer


  This is a variable width multiplexor. Note the red "V" in the center of the symbol. When using this mux, be sure to specify the width of any bus connected to it or the bus will default to being 8 bits wide.

Module: m32w_2_1_top, m32w_2_1_bot



Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
in0 In 32 input selected when sel = 0
in1 In 32 input selected when sel = 1
sel In 1 selects between in0 and in1
out Out 32 output of the multiplexer



Module: m32w_4_1_top, m32w_4_1_bot



Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
in0 In 32 input selected when sel = 0
in1 In 32 input selected when sel = 1
in2 In 32 input selected when sel = 2
in3 In 32 input selected when sel = 2
sel In 2 selects between in0, in1, in2, and in3
out Out 32 output of the multiplexer



Module: m6w_2_1



Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
in0 In 6 input selected when sel = 0
in1 In 6 input selected when sel = 1
sel In 1 selects between in0 and in1
out Out 6 output of the multiplexer



Module: m5w_2_1



Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
in0 In 5 input selected when sel = 0
in1 In 5 input selected when sel = 1
sel In 1 selects between in0 and in1
out Out 5 output of the multiplexer



Module: dm32w_1_4_top, dm32w_1_4_bot



Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
in In 32 demultiplexor input
sel In 2 selects which output to route the input to. All other outputs are set to 0
out0 Out 32 output set to input when sel = 0
out1 Out 32 output set to input when sel = 1
out2 Out 32 output set to input when sel = 2
out3 Out 32 output set to input when sel = 3



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