Note: unless otherwise noted, all assignments are due at 11:59pm.
Homework 0: Course Background Survey
Due Friday June 29
This is an individual assignment.
Due Friday June 29
This is a partnered assignment.
Partner Selection Form: due Thursday, June 28
Checkpoint: due Friday, July 6
Due: Friday, July 13
This is an individual assignment.
Turn in each section individually on Canvas as a pdf.
Due Monday, July 23
This is a one week partnered assignment.
Partner Selection Form or Availability Form: due Friday, July 20 by 4 pm
Project Due: Friday, July 27
Individual Writeup Due: Monday, July 31
Homework 5: Merge Sort and Graphs
This is an individual assignment.
Turn in each section individually on Canvas as a pdf.
Due Wednesday, August 1
This is a one week partnered assignment.
Partner Selection Form or Availability Form: due Thursday, July 26 by 11:59 pm
Project Due: Friday, August 3
Individual Writeup Due: Monday, August 6
Regrade Due: Friday, August 10
This is a one week partnered assignment. Partners are the same as for Project 3.
Project Due: Friday, August 10
Individual Writeup Due: Monday, August 13
This is an individual assignment.
Turn in each problem individually on Canvas as a pdf.
Due: Wednesday, August 15
Please make sure you're aware of the following policies:
You may also want to read through the section of the syllabus discussing general expectations (and the regrading policy), our extra credit policies and on how to get help.