CSE 373, Summer 2018: Regrades


A reminder about our regrade and grade appeal policy:

  1. If you lost points on a project checkpoint due to bugs in your implementation, you can gain up to half of the missing points back if you fix those bugs before the final project due date.

    For more details, see the syllabus.

    Note: this regrading process will happen automatically. You do not need to submit a form.

  2. If you feel you were incorrectly penalized on a project, the first part of the grade appeal process is to write a request for a re-grade in your individual feedback for the project, which will be due at the end of the day that feedback is released. In this request, please put

    • Your and your partner's name and e-mail addresses
    • What think should be changed.
    • Why you think it should be changed.
    In your writeup, please be detailed, thorough, and polite. We will review all appeals for a project together, and you should get a response from us by the Thursday of the following week.

    If after this process you still believe the grade to be unfair or in error, please set up an in person meeting with me (Ben) and your partner. Before this meeting, please send me your initial grade appeal, along with a rebuttal to the decision and any supporting information. Bring a laptop with your code, or any other supporting materials to the meeting.

  3. If you feel you were incorrectly penalized on a homework assignment, start by talking to your grader first (you will see who it is on canvas) and try and resolve the issue directly with them. If you cannot come to an agreement with your original grader, set up a meeting with Ben using the same process as above.

  4. If you feel you were incorrectly penalized on your midterm or final, please directly email Ben (benjones@cs.washington.edu) to set up a meeting to discuss your grade.