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Paper Homeworks

  1. Homework #1 -- Due in class Wednesday, January 23
  2. Homework #2 -- Due in class Friday, February 1
  3. Homework #3 -- Due in class Friday, February 8
  4. Homework #4 -- Due in class Monday, February 25
  5. Homework #5 -- Due in class Wednesday, March 12


  1. Project #1 -- Due electronically Friday, January 18, 10:00pm.
    You will need several files to complete the assignment; they are contained in prj1.zip

    Turn-in here

    1) You may not use .toString as part of your .equals (.toString is not required to obey the equivalence contract).
    2) Cutting-and-pasting the commands from the project description may not work because the dash may not be the ASCII character.
    3) Two minor bugfixes to the code (Sunday night), one a call to stripLeadingZeros at the end of the constructor, the other cloning the BigNum in subtract and then negating the clone (negateMe is dangerous, e.g. a.subtract(a))

  2. Project #2 -- Due electronically Friday, February 1, 10:00pm.
    You will need several files to complete the assignment; they are contained in prj2.zip

    Turn-in here

    Errata: original handout had a typo: get(B,2000) instead of get(B,1000) for the example in the middle. Fixed on Mon morn Jan 21.

  3. Project #3 -- Due electronically Friday, February 15, 10:00pm.
    You will need several files (keep them all in the same folder) to complete the assignment; they are contained in prj3.zip Note that there is a zipfile inside the zipfile. Please leave links.txt.zip still zipped.

    Turn-in here

    Errata: desendingKeySet is strictly Java1.6. instead you can create the TreeMap in reverse order by
    new TreeMap(Collections.reverseOrder()) and later call keySet to iterate through the first keys

  4. Project #4 -- Due electronically Friday, February 29, 10:00pm.
    You will need several files (keep them all in the same folder) to complete the assignment; they are contained in prj4.zip Note that there is a zipfile inside the zipfile. Please leave inner .zip still zipped.

    Turn-in here

  5. Project #5 -- Due electronically Wednesday, March 12, 10:00pm.
    You will need several files (keep them all in the same folder) to complete the assignment; they are contained in prj5.zip Note that there is a zipfile inside the zipfile. Please leave inner .zip still zipped.

    Turn-in here

Homework Submission Policy

All students are responsible for knowing the homework policy.