CSE373—Data Structures and Algorithms for Nonmajors

Programming Assignment #2

due: Friday, 2/1/08, 10:00 PM


The interface from the operating system to memory or disk storage involves operations that get space (e.g. writing to disk, allocating memory) and release space (removing from disk, freeing memory).  Algorithms for managing these limited resources balance between computing a management policy efficiently and for the policy to provide in an efficient use of space.  After repeated gets and releases, one problem that arises is fragmentation, where the free space is scattered widely.  When fragmentation is present, a large request may not be able to be met if the space must be continuous, or the large request may have to be answered by storing the data in many pieces, which is slow to access.  In this project, we’ll implement a simple allocation system (potentially for files) that is designed to be fast, use limited space, and fragment files into freed holes. 

One solution is to have a table where for each byte or cluster, mark whether or not it is used.  This can be inefficient spacewise because a large file may require many marks.  Instead we will maintain collections of variable-sized free space, for example that from address 1000, the next 5000 are free, from address 16000, the next 2000 are free, and from address 50000, the next 10000 are free.  Hence the amount of space needed to store the allocation information is based on the number of freed holes, rather than the number of available bytes/clusters/spots.  Our method will occupy the first available free holes, which is quick to compute.  This means that files may be fragmented, but large parts of the space will remain unused.

A skeleton of the code is as follows (download the full skeleton from the webpage):

public class AllocationManager {

    PriorityQueue<FreeSpaceNode> freeSpace;

    class BlockNode {
        String name;
        int blockSize;
        BlockNode next;

    class FreeSpaceNode {
        int blockStart;
        int blockSize;

        public int compareTo() { … }


    BlockNode get(String name, int size) { … }

    void release(BlockNode b) { … }



FreeSpaceNodes represent chunks of free space that can be allocated via calls to get.  When chunks are allocated, they are returned as BlockNodes.  Because we’d like to use the first available chunks of free space, we’ll be using a data structure called a priority queue (PriorityQueue in Java 1.5).  The PriorityQueue has two basic operations: offer (add), which adds an item to the PriorityQueue, and poll, which removes the smallest element from the PriorityQueue (as determined by the objects’ compareTo).  You may also find peek useful, which looks at the smallest element without removing it.

The method get returns one or more BlockNodes chained together as a singly linked list to add up to the requested size.  The blocks are chosen smallest first.

For example, initially there are no blocks, so the free space looks like

{ 0 – 999999999 }

get(“A”,1000) will take free space from the beginning, leaving the free space as

{ 1000 – 999999999 }

The chunk contains way more space than is necessary, so get just takes what it needs and adds the reduced free chunk back to the priority queue.

get(“B”,1000) will take free space from the beginning, leaving the free space as

{ 2000 – 999999999 }

Now a release of the blocknodes corresponding to A will return those blocks back to the free space

{0 – 999},{ 2000 – 999999999 }

Now get(“C”,2000) will take free space from the beginning, not have enough, and take more space, leaving the remaining free space as

{3000 – 999999999}

The blocks for “C” are [0 – 999], [2000 – 2999]

A more detailed example is available in AllocationManagerDemo.java.  I highly recommend walking through that example by hand and trying to understand it before coding it up.  This project is more about understanding the underlying design and data structures than writing the code (I think my implementation adds less than thirty lines of code to the skeleton).  But to write the code, you need to really understand what is going on.



Programming (70 points):

You should use good style, whitespace, naming conventions, etc., and comment your code.

You may not add any other imports, add any instance variables, change the FreeSpaceNode or BlockNode nested classes, or add any public methods.  You may add private helper methods.

Remember that even though FreeSpaceNode and BlockNode have private parts, you can use them inside the AllocationManager file.

1) Implement compareTo for FreeSpaceNode so that it can be used with the PriorityQueue.
A FreeSpaceNode is before another if its blockStart is before the blockStart of the other.

2) Implement get(String,int) such that it runs in O(m log n), where m is the number of fragments needed, and n is the total number of fragments.  The return value of get is a linked list of BlockNodes that store fragments of the file.  They must have increasing start addresses, all have the string as their names, and their sizes must add up to the original size.  If the size is nonpositive, then return null and do nothing.

For this implementation, the fragments chosen for allocation from the freed holes must be the first such freed holes available; they are removed from the priority queue.  If a hole is only partially used, the remainder of the hole remains in the priority queue. 

Additionally, if you use any holes that are adjacent to each other, you should recognize that as such and make them into a unified block.  Instead of trying to clean up adjacent holes as they are released, we’ll be lazy and clean them up as they are requested (via get) again.

Hint: you will store freed holes in a priority queue

3) Implement release(BlockNode) such that it runs in O(m log n), where m is the number of fragments needed, and n is the total number of fragments.  Release will add the BlockNode and its chained BlockNode fragments separately to the priority queue of freed holes.  Do not worry about the case where someone calls release on a BlockNode that has already been released.

4) Implement numFiles() such that it is O(1)

Hint: you will use the state variable numFiles in the AllocationModel class

5) Implement numFragments() such that it is O(1)

Hint: you will use a state variable numFiles in the AllocationModel class

6) Track the amount of total free space.  Determine if a get is asking for too much space in O(1) time.  If it’s asking for too much space, then have get return null without ever removing any FreeSpaceNodes from the priority queue (even if you’d end up putting them back).

Hint: you will use a state variable totalFreeSpace in the AllocationModel class

Turn in your work electronically from the “assignments” link on the class webpage.