Java Platform 1.2 Beta 4 |
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
BufferedImage bi
Raster ras
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
SwingPropertyChangeSupport changeSupport
boolean enabled
Hashtable keyTable
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
ActionListener actionListener
ChangeListener changeListener
boolean contentAreaFilled
Icon defaultIcon
Insets defaultMargin
Icon disabledIcon
Icon disabledSelectedIcon
int horizontalAlignment
int horizontalTextPosition
ItemListener itemListener
Insets margin
ButtonModel model
boolean paintBorder
boolean paintFocus
Icon pressedIcon
boolean rolloverEnabled
Icon rolloverIcon
Icon rolloverSelectedIcon
Icon selectedIcon
String text
int verticalAlignment
int verticalTextPosition
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
AbstractButton this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
AbstractButton this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
EventListenerList listenerList
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
AccessibleContext accessibleContext
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Box this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
AccessibleContext accessibleContext
Dimension reqMax
Dimension reqMin
Dimension reqPref
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Box.Filler this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int axis
Container target
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Vector buttons
ButtonModel selection
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
AccessibleContext accessibleContext
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
CellRendererPane this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int extent
boolean isAdjusting
EventListenerList listenerList
int max
int min
int value
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
String actionCommand
ButtonGroup group
EventListenerList listenerList
int mnemonic
int stateMask
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int clickCountToStart
DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate delegate
JComponent editorComponent
EventListenerList listenerList
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
DefaultCellEditor this$0
Object value
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Vector objects
Object selectedObject
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Vector delegate
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int anchorIndex
int firstChangedIndex
boolean isAdjusting
int lastChangedIndex
boolean leadAnchorNotificationEnabled
int leadIndex
EventListenerList listenerList
int maxIndex
int minIndex
int selectionMode
BitSet value
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int index
EventListenerList listenerList
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
String description
int height
ImageObserver imageObserver
int width
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
AccessibleContext accessibleContext
JRootPane rootPane
boolean rootPaneCheckingEnabled
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JApplet this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean defaultCapable
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JButton this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JCheckBox this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JCheckBoxMenuItem this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
AccessibleContext accessibleContext
com.sun.java.swing.colorchooser.AbstractColorChooserPanel[] chooserPanels
JComponent previewPanel
com.sun.java.swing.colorchooser.ColorSelectionModel selectionModel
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JColorChooser this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
String actionCommand
ComboBoxModel dataModel
ComboBoxEditor editor
boolean isEditable
JComboBox.KeySelectionManager keySelectionManager
boolean lightWeightPopupEnabled
int maximumRowCount
ListCellRenderer renderer
Object selectedItemReminder
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JComboBox this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
Rectangle _bounds
AccessibleContext accessibleContext
Float alignmentX
Float alignmentY
com.sun.java.swing.AncestorNotifier ancestorNotifier
com.sun.java.swing.Autoscroller autoscroller
Border border
SwingPropertyChangeSupport changeSupport
Hashtable clientProperties
int flags
EventListenerList listenerList
Dimension maximumSize
Dimension minimumSize
Rectangle paintImmediatelyClip
Dimension preferredSize
VetoableChangeSupport vetoableChangeSupport
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
ContainerListener accessibleContainerHandler
JComponent this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
DesktopManager desktopManager
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JDesktopPane this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
AccessibleContext accessibleContext
int defaultCloseOperation
JRootPane rootPane
boolean rootPaneCheckingEnabled
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JDialog this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
EditorKit kit
Hashtable typeHandlers
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JEditorPane this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JEditorPane this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
com.sun.java.swing.JEditorPane.JEditorPaneAccesssibleHypertextSupport.LinkVector hyperlinks
boolean linksValid
JEditorPane this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
AccessibleContext accessibleContext
JComponent accessory
ActionListener actionListener
int approveButtonMnemonic
String approveButtonText
String approveButtonToolTipText
File currentDirectory
JDialog dialog
String dialogTitle
int dialogType
com.sun.java.swing.filechooser.FileFilter fileFilter
int fileSelectionMode
com.sun.java.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView fileSystemView
com.sun.java.swing.filechooser.FileView fileView
Vector filters
boolean multiSelectionEnabled
int returnValue
File selectedFile
File[] selectedFiles
com.sun.java.swing.filechooser.FileView uiFileView
boolean useFileHiding
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JFileChooser this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
AccessibleContext accessibleContext
int defaultCloseOperation
JRootPane rootPane
and optional menuBar
for this frame, as well as the
boolean rootPaneCheckingEnabled
and setLayout
cause an exception to be thrown.JFrame.isRootPaneCheckingEnabled()
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JFrame this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean closable
int defaultCloseOperation
JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon desktopIcon
Icon frameIcon
boolean iconable
boolean isClosed
boolean isIcon
boolean isMaximum
boolean isSelected
boolean maximizable
boolean opened
boolean resizable
JRootPane rootPane
and optional menuBar
for this frame, as well as the
boolean rootPaneCheckingEnabled
and setLayout
cause an exception to be thrown.String title
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JInternalFrame this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JInternalFrame internalFrame
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
Icon defaultIcon
Icon disabledIcon
int horizontalAlignment
int horizontalTextPosition
int iconTextGap
Component labelFor
int mnemonic
String text
int verticalAlignment
int verticalTextPosition
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JLabel this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Hashtable componentToLayer
boolean optimizedDrawingPossible
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JLayeredPane this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
ListCellRenderer cellRenderer
ListModel dataModel
int fixedCellHeight
int fixedCellWidth
int horizontalScrollIncrement
Object prototypeCellValue
Color selectionBackground
Color selectionForeground
ListSelectionListener selectionListener
ListSelectionModel selectionModel
int visibleRowCount
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JList this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
int delay
ChangeListener menuChangeListener
MenuEvent menuEvent
JMenu.WinListener popupListener
JPopupMenu popupMenu
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JMenu this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JPopupMenu popupMenu
JMenu this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
Insets margin
boolean paintBorder
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JMenuBar this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
KeyStroke accelerator
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JMenuItem this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
int messageType
int optionType
boolean wantsInput
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JOptionPane this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JPanel this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
char echoChar
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JPasswordField this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
int desiredLocationX
int desiredLocationY
String label
int lastPopupType
boolean lightWeightPopupEnabled
Insets margin
boolean paintBorder
SingleSelectionModel selectionModel
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JPopupMenu this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
ChangeListener changeListener
BoundedRangeModel model
int orientation
boolean paintBorder
boolean paintString
String progressString
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JProgressBar this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JRadioButton this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JRadioButtonMenuItem this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Container contentPane
JButton defaultButton
com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane.DefaultAction defaultPressAction
com.sun.java.swing.JRootPane.DefaultAction defaultReleaseAction
Component glassPane
JLayeredPane layeredPane
JMenuBar menuBar
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JRootPane this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JRootPane this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
int blockIncrement
ChangeListener fwdAdjustmentEvents
BoundedRangeModel model
int orientation
int unitIncrement
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JScrollBar this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
JViewport columnHeader
JScrollBar horizontalScrollBar
int horizontalScrollBarPolicy
Component lowerLeft
JScrollPane.setCorner(java.lang.String, java.awt.Component)
Component lowerRight
JScrollPane.setCorner(java.lang.String, java.awt.Component)
JViewport rowHeader
Component upperLeft
JScrollPane.setCorner(java.lang.String, java.awt.Component)
Component upperRight
JScrollPane.setCorner(java.lang.String, java.awt.Component)
JScrollBar verticalScrollBar
int verticalScrollBarPolicy
JViewport viewport
Border viewportBorder
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JScrollPane this$0
JViewport viewPort
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean blockIncrementSet
JScrollPane this$0
boolean unitIncrementSet
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
int orientation
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JSeparator this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
ChangeListener changeListener
boolean isInverted
Dictionary labelTable
int majorTickSpacing
int minorTickSpacing
int orientation
boolean paintLabels
boolean paintTicks
boolean paintTrack
BoundedRangeModel sliderModel
boolean snapToTicks
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JSlider this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean continuousLayout
int dividerSize
int lastDividerLocation
Component leftComponent
boolean oneTouchExpandable
int orientation
Component rightComponent
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JSplitPane this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
ChangeListener changeListener
boolean haveRegistered
SingleSelectionModel model
Vector pages
int tabPlacement
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JTabbedPane this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JTabbedPane this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean autoCreateColumnsFromModel
int autoResizeMode
boolean cellSelectionEnabled
TableColumnModel columnModel
TableModel dataModel
Color gridColor
Dimension preferredViewportSize
int rowHeight
int rowMargin
boolean rowSelectionAllowed
Color selectionBackground
Color selectionForeground
ListSelectionModel selectionModel
boolean showHorizontalLines
boolean showVerticalLines
JTableHeader tableHeader
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JTable this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
int columns
int columnWidth
int rowHeight
int rows
boolean word
boolean wrap
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JTextArea this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
int columns
int columnWidth
String command
int horizontalAlignment
BoundedRangeModel visibility
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JTextField this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JToggleButton this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean floatable
Insets margin
int orientation
boolean paintBorder
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JToolBar this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Dimension separatorSize
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
JComponent component
String tipText
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JToolTip this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean editable
boolean invokesStopCellEditing
boolean largeModel
This value is only a suggestion to the UI. Not all UIs will take advantage of it. Default value is false.
boolean rootVisible
int rowHeight
boolean scrollsOnExpand
boolean showsRootHandles
A handle is a small icon that displays adjacent to the node which allows the user to click once to expand or collapse the node. A common interface shows a plus sign (+) for a node which can be expanded and a minus sign (-) for a node which can be collapsed. Handles are always shown for nodes below the topmost level.
If the rootVisible
setting specifies that the root
node is to be displayed, then that is the only node at the topmost
level. If the root node is not displayed, then all of its
children are at the topmost level of the tree. Handles are
always displayed for nodes other than the topmost.
If the root node isn't visible, it is generally a good to make this value true. Otherwise, the tree looks exactly like a list, and users may not know that the "list entries" are actually tree nodes.
int toggleClickCount
int visibleRowCount
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JTree this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Object childValue
boolean hasChildren
boolean loadedChildren
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JTree this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean backingStore
boolean isViewSizeSet
Point lastPaintPosition
boolean scrollUnderway
ComponentListener viewListener
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JViewport this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JViewport this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
AccessibleContext accessibleContext
JRootPane rootPane
and optional menuBar
for this frame, as well as the
boolean rootPaneCheckingEnabled
and setLayout
cause an exception to be thrown.JWindow.isRootPaneCheckingEnabled()
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JWindow this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
char keyChar
int keyCode
int modifiers
boolean onKeyRelease
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Container target
SizeRequirements[] xChildren
SizeRequirements xTotal
SizeRequirements[] yChildren
SizeRequirements yTotal
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JViewport colHead
JScrollBar hsb
int hsbPolicy
Component lowerLeft
JScrollPane.setCorner(java.lang.String, java.awt.Component)
Component lowerRight
JScrollPane.setCorner(java.lang.String, java.awt.Component)
JViewport rowHead
Component upperLeft
JScrollPane.setCorner(java.lang.String, java.awt.Component)
Component upperRight
JScrollPane.setCorner(java.lang.String, java.awt.Component)
JViewport viewport
JScrollBar vsb
int vsbPolicy
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
float alignment
int maximum
, this should be equal to either
.int minimum
, this should be equal to either
.int preferred
, this should be equal to either
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean coalesce
int delay
Runnable doPostEvent
boolean eventQueued
long expirationTime
int initialDelay
EventListenerList listenerList
Timer nextTimer
boolean repeats
boolean running
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
SwingPropertyChangeSupport changeSupport
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int bevelType
Color highlightInner
Color highlightOuter
Color shadowInner
Color shadowOuter
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Border insideBorder
Border outsideBorder
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int bottom
int left
int right
int top
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int etchType
Color highlight
Color shadow
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Color lineColor
boolean roundedCorners
int thickness
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Color color
Icon tileIcon
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Border border
String title
Color titleColor
Font titleFont
int titleJustification
int titlePosition
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Container ancestor
Container ancestorParent
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
String desc
HyperlinkEvent.EventType type
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int index0
int index1
int type
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int firstIndex
boolean isAdjusting
int lastIndex
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
MenuSelectionManager manager
MenuElement[] path
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
MenuSelectionManager manager
MenuElement[] path
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
Hashtable children
Object source
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int fromIndex
int toIndex
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int column
int firstRow
int lastRow
int type
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
TreePath path
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int[] childIndices
Object[] children
TreePath path
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean[] areNew
TreePath newLeadSelectionPath
TreePath oldLeadSelectionPath
TreePath[] paths
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
UndoableEdit myEdit
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Border delegate
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Icon delegate
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
EventListenerList listenerList
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Color unselectedBackground
Color unselectedForeground
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int columnMargin
boolean columnSelectionAllowed
EventListenerList listenerList
ListSelectionModel selectionModel
Vector tableColumns
int totalColumnWidth
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Vector columnIdentifiers
Vector dataVector
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
TableColumnModel columnModel
boolean reorderingAllowed
boolean resizingAllowed
JTable table
boolean updateTableInRealTime
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
JTableHeader this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
TableCellEditor cellEditor
TableCellRenderer cellRenderer
SwingPropertyChangeSupport changeSupport
TableCellRenderer headerRenderer
Object headerValue
Object identifier
boolean isResizable
int maxWidth
int minWidth
int modelIndex
int width
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
AbstractDocument.AttributeContext context
AbstractDocument.Content data
Dictionary documentProperties
EventListenerList listenerList
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
Element parent
AbstractDocument this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
AbstractDocument.AbstractElement[] children
int lastIndex
int nchildren
AbstractDocument this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
AbstractDocument this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int offs
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
DefaultStyledDocument.ElementBuffer buffer
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Element root
DefaultStyledDocument this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
DefaultStyledDocument this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
char[] array
int g0
int g1
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Serialized Form - Fields |
Color caretColor
Color disabledTextColor
boolean editable
JTextComponent editor
char focusAccelerator
Action focusAction
Insets margin
Document model
boolean opaque
Color selectedTextColor
Color selectionColor
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int caretPos
JTextComponent this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Vector added
AbstractDocument.AbstractElement defaultRoot
Vector removed
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Hashtable table
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int count
char[] data
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
Style styles
int unusedSets
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
EventListenerList listenerList
StyleContext this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
com.sun.java.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.AttributeTracker caretHandler
Element currentParagraph
Element currentRun
MutableAttributeSet inputAttributes
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int a
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
String family
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int size
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Color fg
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
TabStop[] tabs
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int alignment
int leader
float position
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
URL reference
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
HTMLDocument this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
HTMLDocument this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
MouseListener linkHandler
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int baseFontIndex
int baseFontSize
com.sun.java.swing.text.html.StyleSheet.CssParser parser
Vector searchContext
Style selectors
Hashtable valueConvertor
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean allowsChildren
Vector children
MutableTreeNode parent
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Border border
DefaultTreeCellEditor this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
DefaultTreeCellEditor this$0
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Color backgroundNonSelectionColor
Color backgroundSelectionColor
Color borderSelectionColor
boolean selected
Color textNonSelectionColor
Color textSelectionColor
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean asksAllowsChildren
method figures
out if a node is a leaf node. If true, a node is a leaf
node if it does not allow children. (If it allows
children, it is not a leaf node, even if no children
are present.) That lets you distinguish between folder
nodes and file nodes in a file system, for example.
If this value is false, then any node which has no children is a leaf node, and any node may acquire children.
EventListenerList listenerList
TreeNode root
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
SwingPropertyChangeSupport changeSupport
int leadIndex
TreePath leadPath
int leadRow
EventListenerList listenerList
DefaultListSelectionModel listSelectionModel
TreePath[] selection
int selectionMode
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
TreeExpansionEvent event
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
TreePath parentPath
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean consumed
int id
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Component center
Component east
Component firstItem
Component firstLine
int hgap
Component lastItem
Component lastLine
Component north
Component south
int vgap
Component west
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
String actionCommand
int buttonSerializedDataVersion
String label
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
GraphicsConfiguration graphicsConfig
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int hgap
Hashtable tab
int vgap
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
int checkboxSerializedDataVersion
CheckboxGroup group
String label
boolean state
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Checkbox selectedCheckbox
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
int checkboxMenuItemSerializedDataVersion
boolean state
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
int choiceSerializedDataVersion
Vector pItems
int selectedIndex
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
ColorSpace cs
float falpha
float[] frgbvalue
float[] fvalue
PaintContext theContext
int value
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
Color background
PropertyChangeSupport changeSupport
int componentSerializedDataVersion
Cursor cursor
DropTarget dropTarget
boolean enabled
long eventMask
Font font
Color foreground
boolean hasFocus
int height
Locale locale
Dimension minSize
String name
boolean nameExplicitlySet
boolean newEventsOnly
Vector popups
Dimension prefSize
boolean valid
boolean visible
int width
int x
int y
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int orientation
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
Component[] component
int containerSerializedDataVersion
java.awt.LightweightDispatcher dispatcher
LayoutManager layoutMgr
Dimension maxSize
int ncomponents
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
String name
int type
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
boolean modal
boolean resizable
String title
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int height
int width
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Object arg
int clickCount
events, this field indicates the
number of consecutive clicks. For other events, its value is
.boolean consumed
Event evt
int id
variables are relevant for the event.int key
int modifiers
Object target
long when
int x
int y
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
String dir
String file
FilenameFilter filter
int mode
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Serialized Form - Fields |
int align
int hgap
int newAlign
int serialVersionOnStream
int vgap
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
int fontSerializedDataVersion
Hashtable fRequestedAttributes
String name
float pointSize
int size
int style
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
Font font
Serialized Form - Methods |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields |
int frameSerializedDataVersion
Image icon
boolean mbManagement
MenuBar menuBar
Vector ownedWindows
boolean resizable
String title
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Methods |
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields |
int anchor
The default value is CENTER
int fill
- This field is used when the component's display area is larger
than the component's requested size. It determines whether to
resize the component, and if so, how.
The following values are valid for fill
: Do not resize the component.
: Make the component wide enough to fill
its display area horizontally, but do not change its height.
: Make the component tall enough to fill its
display area vertically, but do not change its width.
: Make the component fill its display area
The default value is NONE
int gridheight
- Specifies the number of cells in a column for the component's
display area.
to specify that the component be the
last one in its column. Use RELATIVE
to specify that
the component be the next-to-last one in its column.
The default value is 1.
- See Also:
int gridwidth
- Specifies the number of cells in a row for the component's
display area.
to specify that the component be the
last one in its row. Use RELATIVE
to specify that the
component be the next-to-last one in its row.
The default value is 1.
- See Also:
int gridx
- Specifies the cell at the left of the component's display area,
where the leftmost cell has
gridx = 0
. The value
specifies that the component be placed just
to the right of the component that was added to the container just
before this component was added.
The default value is RELATIVE
- See Also:
int gridy
- Specifies the cell at the top of the component's display area,
where the topmost cell has
gridy = 0
. The value
specifies that the component be placed just
below the component that was added to the container just before
this component was added.
The default value is RELATIVE
- See Also:
Insets insets
- This field specifies the external padding of the component, the
minimum amount of space between the component and the edges of its
display area.
The default value is new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)
int ipadx
- This field specifies the internal padding of the component, how much
space to add to the minimum width of the component. The width of
the component is at least its minimum width plus
(ipadx * 2)
The default value is 0
- See Also:
int ipady
- This field specifies the internal padding, that is, how much
space to add to the minimum height of the component. The height of
the component is at least its minimum height plus
(ipady * 2)
The default value is 0.
- See Also:
int minHeight
int minWidth
int tempHeight
int tempWidth
int tempX
int tempY
double weightx
- Specifies how to distribute extra horizontal space.
The grid bag layout manager calculates the weight of a column to
be the maximum weighty
of all the components in a
row. If the resulting layout is smaller horizontally than the area
it needs to fill, the extra space is distributed to each column in
proportion to its weight. A column that has a weight zero receives no
extra space.
If all the weights are zero, all the extra space appears between
the grids of the cell and the left and right edges.
The default value of this field is 0
- See Also:
double weighty
- Specifies how to distribute extra vertical space.
The grid bag layout manager calculates the weight of a row to be
the maximum weightx
of all the components in a row.
If the resulting layout is smaller vertically than the area it
needs to fill, the extra space is distributed to each row in
proportion to its weight. A row that has a weight of zero receives no
extra space.
If all the weights are zero, all the extra space appears between
the grids of the cell and the top and bottom edges.
The default value of this field is 0
- See Also:
Class java.awt.GridBagLayout
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
double[] columnWeights
int[] columnWidths
Hashtable comptable
GridBagConstraints defaultConstraints
java.awt.GridBagLayoutInfo layoutInfo
int[] rowHeights
double[] rowWeights
Class java.awt.GridLayout
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int cols
int hgap
int rows
int vgap
Class java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.Insets
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int bottom
- The inset from the bottom.
int left
- The inset from the left.
int right
- The inset from the right.
int top
- The inset from the top.
Class java.awt.Label
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int alignment
- The label's alignment. The default alignment is set
to be left justified.
String text
- The text of this label.
Class java.awt.List
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields
Vector items
int listSerializedDataVersion
boolean multipleMode
int rows
int[] selected
int visibleIndex
Class java.awt.MediaTracker
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
java.awt.MediaEntry head
Component target
Class java.awt.Menu
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
Serialized Form - Fields
boolean isHelpMenu
Vector items
int menuSerializedDataVersion
boolean tearOff
Class java.awt.MenuBar
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
Serialized Form - Fields
Menu helpMenu
int menuBarSerializedDataVersion
Vector menus
Class java.awt.MenuComponent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Font font
String name
boolean nameExplicitlySet
boolean newEventsOnly
Class java.awt.MenuItem
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields
String actionCommand
boolean enabled
long eventMask
String label
int menuItemSerializedDataVersion
MenuShortcut shortcut
Class java.awt.MenuShortcut
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int key
boolean usesShift
Class java.awt.Panel
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.Point
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int x
- The x coordinate.
int y
- The y coordinate.
Class java.awt.Polygon
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Rectangle bounds
int npoints
- The total number of points.
int[] xpoints
- The array of x coordinates.
int[] ypoints
- The array of y coordinates.
Class java.awt.PopupMenu
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.Rectangle
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int height
- The height of the rectangle.
int width
- The width of the rectangle.
- Since:
- JDK1.0.
int x
- The x coordinate of the rectangle.
int y
- The y coordinate of the rectangle.
Class java.awt.Scrollbar
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields
int lineIncrement
- The amount by which the scrollbar value will change when going
up or down by a line.
int maximum
- The maximum value of the Scrollbar.
int minimum
- The minimum value of the Scrollbar.
int orientation
- The Scrollbar's orientation--being either horizontal or vertical.
int pageIncrement
- The amount by which the scrollbar value will change when going
up or down by a page.
int scrollbarSerializedDataVersion
int value
- The value of the Scrollbar.
int visibleAmount
- The size of the visible portion of the Scrollbar.
Class java.awt.ScrollPane
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
java.awt.ScrollPaneAdjustable hAdjustable
int scrollbarDisplayPolicy
java.awt.ScrollPaneAdjustable vAdjustable
Class java.awt.SystemColor
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.TextArea
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int columns
- The number of columns in the TextArea.
int rows
- The number of rows in the TextArea.
int scrollbarVisibility
- Determines which scrollbars are created for the
text area.
Class java.awt.TextComponent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields
boolean editable
- A boolean indicating whether or not this TextComponent is editable.
int selectionEnd
- The selection end.
int selectionStart
- The selection start.
String text
- The value of the text.
int textComponentSerializedDataVersion
Class java.awt.TextField
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields
int columns
- The number of columns in the TextField.
char echoChar
- The echo character.
int textFieldSerializedDataVersion
Class java.awt.Window
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields
java.awt.FocusManager focusMgr
Vector ownedWindowList
int state
String warningString
int windowSerializedDataVersion
Package java.awt.color
Class java.awt.color.CMMException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.color.ProfileDataException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.awt.datatransfer
Class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
public void readExternal(ObjectInput is)
throws IOException,
- restore this DataFlavor from an Serialized state
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput os)
throws IOException
- Serialize this DataFlavor
Class java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.awt.dnd
Class java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int action
Component component
DragSource dragSource
List events
Point origin
Class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDragEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int dropAction
int gestureModifiers
boolean isLocalDT
int targetActions
Class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDropEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int dropAction
boolean dropSuccess
Class java.awt.dnd.DragSourceEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.dnd.DropTarget
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int actions
boolean active
Component component
DropTargetListener dtListener
Class java.awt.dnd.DropTargetDragEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int actions
int dropAction
Point location
Class java.awt.dnd.DropTargetDropEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int actions
int dropAction
boolean isLocalTx
Point location
Class java.awt.dnd.DropTargetEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
DropTargetContext context
Class java.awt.dnd.InvalidDnDOperationException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.awt.event
Class java.awt.event.ActionEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String actionCommand
int modifiers
Class java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Adjustable adjustable
int adjustmentType
int value
Class java.awt.event.ComponentEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.event.ContainerEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Component child
Class java.awt.event.FocusEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
boolean temporary
Class java.awt.event.InputEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int modifiers
long when
Class java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.event.InvocationEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
boolean catchExceptions
- Set to true if dispatch() catches Exception and stores it in the
exception instance variable. If false, Exceptions are propagated up
to the EventDispatchThread's dispatch loop.
Exception exception
- The (potentially null) Exception thrown during execution of the
Runnable.run() method. This variable will also be null if a particular
instance does not catch exceptions.
Object notifier
- The (potentially null) Object whose notifyAll() method will be called
immediately after the Runnable.run() method returns.
Runnable runnable
- The Runnable whose run() method will be called.
Class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Object item
int stateChange
Class java.awt.event.KeyEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
char keyChar
int keyCode
Class java.awt.event.MouseEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int clickCount
boolean popupTrigger
int x
int y
Class java.awt.event.PaintEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Rectangle updateRect
Class java.awt.event.TextEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.event.WindowEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.awt.font
Class java.awt.font.TextAttribute
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.font.TransformAttribute
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
AffineTransform transform
Package java.awt.geom
Class java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
Serialized Form - Fields
double m00
double m01
double m02
double m10
double m11
double m12
Class java.awt.geom.IllegalPathStateException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.awt.image
Class java.awt.image.ImagingOpException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.image.RasterFormatException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.awt.image.renderable
Class java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Vector parameters
- A Vector of non-source parameters, stored as arbitrary Objects.
Vector sources
- A Vector of sources, stored as arbitrary Objects.
Package java.awt.print
Class java.awt.print.PrinterAbortException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.print.PrinterException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.awt.print.PrinterIOException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
IOException mException
- The IO error that terminated the print job.
Package java.beans
Class java.beans.IntrospectionException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Object newValue
Object oldValue
Object propagationId
String propertyName
Class java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields
Hashtable children
int propertyChangeSupportSerializedDataVersion
Object source
Class java.beans.PropertyVetoException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
PropertyChangeEvent evt
Class java.beans.VetoableChangeSupport
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields
Hashtable children
Object source
int vetoableChangeSupportSerializedDataVersion
Package java.beans.beancontext
Class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextAddedEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChildSupport
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois)
throws IOException,
- Restore a persistent object, must wait for subsequent setBeanContext()
to fully restore any resources obtained from the new nesting
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos)
throws IOException
- Write the persistence state of the object.
Serialized Form - Fields
BeanContextChild beanContextChildPeer
PropertyChangeSupport pcSupport
VetoableChangeSupport vcSupport
Class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
BeanContext propagatedFrom
Class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextMembershipEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Collection children
Class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextRemovedEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Class serviceClass
Class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
boolean invalidateRefs
Class serviceClass
- fields
Class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois)
throws IOException,
- deserialize the instance
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos)
throws IOException
- serialize the instance
Class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSChild
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
BeanContextServicesSupport this$0
Class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextServicesSupport.BCSSServiceProvider
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
BeanContextServiceProvider serviceProvider
Class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois)
throws IOException,
- deserialize contents ... if this instance has a distinct peer the
children are *not* serialized here, the peer's readObject() must call
readChildren() after deserializing this instance.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos)
throws IOException,
- Serialize the BeanContextSupport, if this instance has a distinct
peer (that is this object is acting as a delegate for another) then
the children of this instance are not serialized here due to a
'chicken and egg' problem that occurs on deserialization of the
children at the same time as this instance.
Therefore in situations where there is a distinct peer to this instance
it should always call writeObject() followed by writeChildren() and
readObject() followed by readChildren().
Serialized Form - Fields
boolean designTime
Locale locale
boolean okToUseGui
int serializable
Class java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport.BCSChild
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Object child
BeanContextSupport this$0
Package java.io
Class java.io.CharConversionException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.io.EOFException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.io.File
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException,
- readObject is called to restore this filename.
The original separator character is read. If it is different
than the separator character on this system, then the old seperator
is replaced by the local separator.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
- WriteObject is called to save this filename.
The separator character is saved also so it can be replaced
in case the path is reconstituted on a different host type.
Serialized Form - Fields
String path
- This abstract pathname's normalized pathname string. A normalized
pathname string uses the default name-separator character and does not
contain any duplicate or redundant separators.
Class java.io.FileNotFoundException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.io.FilePermission
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException,
- readObject is called to restore the state of the FilePermission from
a stream.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
- WriteObject is called to save the state of the FilePermission
to a stream. Only the mask is serialized since we want to
recalculate the other values when the contents are restored.
Serialized Form - Fields
String actions
String cpath
boolean directory
int mask
boolean recursive
Class java.io.InterruptedIOException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int bytesTransferred
- Reports how many bytes had been transferred as part of the I/O
operation before it was interrupted.
Class java.io.InvalidClassException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String classname
- Name of the invalid class.
Class java.io.InvalidObjectException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.io.IOException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.io.NotActiveException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.io.NotSerializableException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.io.ObjectStreamClass
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
- Class ObjectStreamClass is special cased within the
Serialization Stream Protocol.
An ObjectStreamClass is written intially into an ObjectOutputStream
in the following format:
TC_CLASSDESC className, serialVersionUID, flags,
length, list of field descriptions.
className primitive data String
Fully qualified class name.
serialVersionUID long
Stream Unique Identifier for compatible classes
with same base class name.
flags byte
Attribute bit fields defined in
length short
The number of field descriptions to follow.
fieldDescription (byte, primitive data String, String Object)
A pseudo-externalized format of class
Consists of typeCode, fieldName, and,
if a nonPrimitive typecode, a fully qualified
class name. See Class.getName
for the typecode byte encodings.
The first time the class descriptor
is written into the stream, a new handle is generated.
Future references to the class descriptor are
written as references to the initial class descriptor instance.
- See Also:
Class java.io.ObjectStreamException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.io.OptionalDataException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
boolean eof
- True if there is no more data in the buffered part of the stream.
int length
- The number of bytes of primitive data available to be read
in the current buffer.
Class java.io.SerializablePermission
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String actions
Class java.io.StreamCorruptedException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.io.SyncFailedException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.io.UTFDataFormatException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.io.WriteAbortedException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Exception detail
- Exception that was caught while writing the ObjectStream.
Package java.lang
Class java.lang.AbstractMethodError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.ArithmeticException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.ArrayStoreException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.Boolean
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
boolean value
- The value of the Boolean.
Class java.lang.Byte
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
byte value
- The value of the Byte.
Class java.lang.Character
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
char value
- The value of the Character.
Class java.lang.Class
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
- Class Class is special cased within the Serialization Stream Protocol.
A Class instance is written intially into an ObjectOutputStream in the
following format:
A ClassDescriptor is a special cased serialization of
a java.io.ObjectStreamClass
A new handle is generated for the initial time the class descriptor
is written into the stream. Future references to the class descriptor
are written as references to the initial class descriptor instance.
- See Also:
Class java.lang.ClassCastException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.ClassCircularityError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.ClassFormatError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Throwable ex
- This field holds the exception ex if the
ClassNotFoundException(String s, Throwable ex) constructor was
used to instantiate the object
- Since:
- JDK 1.2
Class java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.Double
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
double value
- The value of the Double.
Class java.lang.Error
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.Exception
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Throwable exception
Class java.lang.Float
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
float value
- The value of the Float.
Class java.lang.IllegalAccessError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.IllegalAccessException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.IllegalStateException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.InstantiationError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.InstantiationException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.Integer
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int value
- The value of the Integer.
Class java.lang.InternalError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.InterruptedException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.LinkageError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.Long
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
long value
- The value of the Long.
Class java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.NoSuchFieldError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.NoSuchFieldException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.NoSuchMethodException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.NullPointerException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.Number
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.NumberFormatException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.RuntimeException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.RuntimePermission
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.SecurityException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.Short
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
short value
- The value of the Short.
Class java.lang.StackOverflowError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.String
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
- Class String is special cased within the Serialization Stream Protocol.
A String instance is written intially into an ObjectOutputStream in the
following format:
(utf String)
The String is written by method DataOutput.writeUTF
A new handle is generated to refer to all future references to the
string instance within the stream.
Class java.lang.StringBuffer
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int count
- The count is the number of characters in the buffer.
boolean shared
- A flag indicating whether the buffer is shared
char[] value
- The value is used for character storage.
Class java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.ThreadDeath
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.Throwable
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String detailMessage
- Specific details about the Throwable. For example,
for FileNotFoundThrowables, this contains the name of
the file that could not be found.
Class java.lang.UnknownError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.VerifyError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.lang.VirtualMachineError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.lang.reflect
Class java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Throwable target
Class java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.math
Class java.math.BigDecimal
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
BigInteger intVal
- The unscaled value of this BigDecimal, as returned by unscaledValue().
- See Also:
int scale
- The scale of this BigDecimal, as returned by scale().
- See Also:
Class java.math.BigInteger
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int bitCount
- The bitCount of this BigInteger, as returned by bitCount(), or -1
(either value is acceptable).
- See Also:
int bitLength
- The bitLength of this BigInteger, as returned by bitLength(), or -1
(either value is acceptable).
- See Also:
int firstNonzeroByteNum
- The byte-number of the lowest-order nonzero byte in the magnitude of
this BigInteger, or -2 (either value is acceptable). The least
significant byte has byte-number 0, the next byte in order of
increasing significance has byte-number 1, and so forth.
int lowestSetBit
- The lowest set bit of this BigInteger, as returned by getLowestSetBit(),
or -2 (either value is acceptable).
- See Also:
byte[] magnitude
- The magnitude of this BigInteger, in big-endian byte-order: the
zeroth element of this array is the most-significant byte of the
magnitude. The magnitude must be "minimal" in that the most-significant
byte (magnitude[0]) must be non-zero. This is necessary to
ensure that there is exactly one representation for each BigInteger
value. Note that this implies that the BigInteger zero has a
zero-length magnitude array.
int signum
- The signum of this BigInteger: -1 for negative, 0 for zero, or
1 for positive. Note that the BigInteger zero must have
a signum of 0. This is necessary to ensures that there is exactly one
representation for each BigInteger value.
Package java.net
Class java.net.BindException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.net.ConnectException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.net.InetAddress
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int address
int family
String hostName
Class java.net.MalformedURLException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.net.NetPermission
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.net.NoRouteToHostException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.net.ProtocolException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.net.SocketException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.net.SocketPermission
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException,
- readObject is called to restore the state of the FilePermission from
a stream. init is called to initialize the rest of the values.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
- WriteObject is called to save the state of the SocketPermission
to a stream. Only the mask is serialized since we want to
recalculate the other values when the contents are restored.
Serialized Form - Fields
String actions
InetAddress[] addresses
String cname
boolean init_with_ip
boolean invalid
int mask
int[] portrange
boolean wildcard
Class java.net.UnknownHostException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.net.UnknownServiceException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.net.URL
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException,
- readObject is called to restore the state of the URL from the
stream. It reads the compoents of the URL and finds the local
stream handler.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
- WriteObject is called to save the state of the URL to an
ObjectOutputStream The handler is not saved since it is
specific to this system.
- Serial Data:
- the default write object value. When read back in,
the reader must ensure that calling getURLStreamHandler with
the protocol variable returns a valid URLStreamHandler and
throw an IOException if it does not.
Serialized Form - Fields
String comparable
String file
- The specified file name on that host.
int hashCode
String host
- The host name in which to connect to.
int port
- The protocol port to connect to.
String protocol
- The protocol to use (ftp, http, nntp, ... etc.) .
String ref
- # reference.
Package java.rmi
Class java.rmi.AccessException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.AlreadyBoundException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.ConnectException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.ConnectIOException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.MarshalException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.MarshalledObject
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int hash
- Stored hash code of contained object.
- See Also:
byte[] locBytes
- Bytes of location annotations, which are ignored by
If locBytes
is null, there were no non-null
annotations during marshalling.
byte[] objBytes
- Bytes of serialized representation. If
then the object marshalled was a null
Class java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.NotBoundException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.RemoteException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Throwable detail
- Nested Exception to hold wrapped remote exception.
Class java.rmi.RMISecurityException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.ServerError
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.ServerException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.ServerRuntimeException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.StubNotFoundException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.UnexpectedException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.UnknownHostException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.UnmarshalException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.rmi.activation
Class java.rmi.activation.Activatable
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
ActivationID id
- Activation Identifier for this object.
Class java.rmi.activation.ActivateFailedException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.activation.ActivationDesc
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String className
- the object's class name
MarshalledObject data
- the object's initialization data
ActivationGroupID groupID
- the group's identifier
String location
- the object's code location
boolean restart
- indicates whether the object should be restarted
Class java.rmi.activation.ActivationException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Throwable detail
- Nested Exception to hold wrapped remote exceptions.
Class java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroup
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
ActivationGroupID groupID
- the group's identifier
long incarnation
- the group's incarnation number
ActivationMonitor monitor
- the group's monitor
Class java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroupDesc
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String className
- The group's fully package qualified className.
MarshalledObject data
- The group's initialization data.
ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment env
- The controlling options for executing the VM in
another process.
String location
- The location from where to load the group's class.
Properties props
- A properties map which will override those set
by default in the subprocess environment.
Class java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroupDesc.CommandEnvironment
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String command
String[] options
Class java.rmi.activation.ActivationGroupID
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
ActivationSystem system
- The group's activation system.
UID uid
- The group's unique id.
Class java.rmi.activation.ActivationID
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
throws IOException,
- readObject for object serialization. Reads in a
and a remote reference. The
remote reference is read via a direct call to
readExternal(ObjectInputStream in)
. Default
serialization is not used. The reference is used to create the
field in this object. That is, the
field is set to the stub returned from
RemoteProxy.getStub(activatorClassName, ref)
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out)
throws IOException,
- writeObject for object serialization. Writes out a
and the reference to the
activator responsible for activating the object associated with
this id, the remote reference contained in the
- Serial Data:
- Writes out a
, and
the unqualified class name, in UTF-8
, of the
remote reference contained in the activator
field. Delegates to the activator
's remote
reference to write itself to out
. Directly calls
writeExternal(ObjectStream out)
on the return
value of activator.getRef()
. Default serialization
is not used.
Serialized Form - Fields
Activator activator
- the object's activator
UID uid
- the object's unique id
Class java.rmi.activation.UnknownGroupException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.activation.UnknownObjectException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.rmi.dgc
Class java.rmi.dgc.Lease
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
long value
- Duration of this lease.
- See Also:
VMID vmid
- Virtual Machine ID with which this Lease is associated.
- See Also:
Class java.rmi.dgc.VMID
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
byte[] addr
- array of bytes uniquely identifying host created on
UID uid
- unique identifier with respect to host created on
Package java.rmi.server
Class java.rmi.server.ExportException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.server.ObjID
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
long objNum
- object number
- See Also:
UID space
- address space identifier (unique to host)
Class java.rmi.server.RemoteObject
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
throws IOException,
- readObject for object serialization. Reads in the unqualified
class name of the remote reference field,
, in
and delegates to the ref
to read in its representation. The ref
field is
read via a direct call to
ref.readExternal(ObjectInputStream in)
. Default
serialization is not used.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out)
throws IOException,
- writeObject for object serialization. Writes out the class
name of the remote reference contained in this class and
delegates to the reference to write out its representation.
- Serial Data:
- Writes out the unqualified class name of the remote
reference field,
, in UTF-8
delegates to the ref
field to write out its
representation. Different information will be written to
depending upon the ref
type. Default serialization is not used.
Class java.rmi.server.RemoteServer
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.server.RemoteStub
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.server.ServerCloneException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Exception detail
- Nested exception for ServerCloneException
Class java.rmi.server.ServerNotActiveException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.server.SkeletonMismatchException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.server.SkeletonNotFoundException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.server.SocketSecurityException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.rmi.server.UID
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
short count
- Short used to create a hash key for
long time
- Long used to record the time. The
will be used to create a unique UID.
int unique
- Integer that helps create a unique UID.
Class java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
throws IOException,
- Re-export the remote object when it is deserialized.
Serialized Form - Fields
RMIClientSocketFactory csf
- client-side socket factory (if any)
int port
- port number on which to export object
RMIServerSocketFactory ssf
- server-side socket factory (if any) to use when
exporting object
Package java.security
Class java.security.AccessControlException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Permission perm
Class java.security.AllPermission
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.BasicPermission
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String path
boolean wildcard
Class java.security.CodeSource
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois)
throws IOException,
- Restores this object from a stream (i.e., deserializes it).
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos)
throws IOException
- Writes this object out to a stream (i.e., serializes it).
Serialized Form - Fields
URL location
Class java.security.DigestException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.GeneralSecurityException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.GuardedObject
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Guard guard
Object object
Class java.security.Identity
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Vector certificates
- Deprecated.
- The certificates for this identity.
String info
- Deprecated.
- Generic, descriptive information about the identity.
String name
- Deprecated.
- The name for this identity.
PublicKey publicKey
- Deprecated.
- The public key for this identity.
IdentityScope scope
- Deprecated.
- The scope of the identity.
Class java.security.IdentityScope
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.InvalidKeyException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.InvalidParameterException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.KeyException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.KeyManagementException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.KeyPair
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
PrivateKey privateKey
PublicKey publicKey
Class java.security.KeyStoreException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.NoSuchProviderException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.Permission
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String name
Class java.security.PermissionCollection
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
boolean readOnly
Class java.security.Permissions
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
PermissionCollection allPermission
Hashtable perms
Class java.security.PrivilegedActionException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Exception exception
Class java.security.Provider
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String info
- A description of the provider and its services.
String name
- The provider name.
double version
- The provider version number.
Class java.security.ProviderException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.SecureRandom
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
long counter
MessageDigest digest
Provider provider
- The provider.
- Since:
- JDK 1.2
byte[] randomBytes
- We know that the MessageDigest class does not implement
java.io.Serializable. However, since this field is no longer
used, it will always be NULL and won't affect the serialization
of the SecureRandom class itself.
int randomBytesUsed
SecureRandomSpi secureRandomSpi
- The provider implementation.
- Since:
- JDK 1.2
byte[] state
Class java.security.SecureRandomSpi
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.SecurityPermission
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.SignatureException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.SignedObject
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
byte[] content
byte[] signature
String thealgorithm
Class java.security.Signer
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
PrivateKey privateKey
- Deprecated.
- The signer's private key.
Class java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.UnresolvedPermission
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String actions
Certificate[] certs
String name
String type
Package java.security.acl
Class java.security.acl.AclNotFoundException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.acl.LastOwnerException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.acl.NotOwnerException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.security.cert
Class java.security.cert.CertificateEncodingException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.cert.CertificateException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.cert.CertificateNotYetValidException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.cert.CertificateParsingException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.cert.CRLException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.security.spec
Class java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.security.spec.InvalidParameterSpecException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.sql
Class java.sql.BatchUpdateException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int[] updateCounts
Class java.sql.DataTruncation
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int dataSize
int index
boolean parameter
boolean read
int transferSize
Class java.sql.Date
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.sql.SQLException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
SQLException next
String SQLState
int vendorCode
Class java.sql.SQLWarning
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.sql.Time
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.sql.Timestamp
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int nanos
Package java.text
Class java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String name
Class java.text.BreakIterator
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.text.ChoiceFormat
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String[] choiceFormats
double[] choiceLimits
Class java.text.Collator
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int decmp
int strength
Class java.text.DateFormat
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Calendar calendar
- The calendar that DateFormat uses to produce the time field values
needed to implement date/time formatting. Subclasses should initialize
this to the default calendar for the locale associated with this
NumberFormat numberFormat
- The number formatter that DateFormat uses to format numbers in dates
and times. Subclasses should initialize this to the default number
format for the locale associated with this DateFormat.
Class java.text.DateFormatSymbols
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String[] ampms
- Ampm strings. For example: "AM" and "PM".
String[] eras
- Era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC".
String localPatternChars
- Localized date-time pattern characters. For example: use 'u' as 'y'.
String[] months
- Month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc.
String[] shortMonths
- Short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc.
String[] shortWeekdays
- Short weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc.
String[] weekdays
- Weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.
String[][] zoneStrings
- The format data of all the timezones in this locale.
Class java.text.DecimalFormat
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException,
- Override readObject.
Serialized Form - Fields
boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown
byte groupingSize
byte minExponentDigits
int multiplier
String negativePrefix
String negativeSuffix
String positivePrefix
String positiveSuffix
int serialVersionOnStream
DecimalFormatSymbols symbols
boolean useExponentialNotation
Class java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException,
- Override readObject.
Serialized Form - Fields
String currencySymbol
char decimalSeparator
char digit
char exponential
char groupingSeparator
String infinity
String intlCurrencySymbol
char minusSign
char monetarySeparator
String NaN
char patternSeparator
char percent
char perMill
int serialVersionOnStream
char zeroDigit
Class java.text.Format
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.text.MessageFormat
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int[] argumentNumbers
Format[] formats
Locale locale
int maxOffset
int[] offsets
String pattern
Class java.text.NumberFormat
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException,
- Override readObject.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream)
throws IOException
- Override writeObject.
Serialized Form - Fields
boolean groupingUsed
byte maxFractionDigits
int maximumFractionDigits
int maximumIntegerDigits
byte maxIntegerDigits
byte minFractionDigits
int minimumFractionDigits
int minimumIntegerDigits
byte minIntegerDigits
boolean parseIntegerOnly
int serialVersionOnStream
Class java.text.ParseException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int errorOffset
Class java.text.RuleBasedCollator
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException,
- Read the collator in from a stream
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream)
throws IOException
- Write the collator out to a stream
Class java.text.SimpleDateFormat
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException,
- Override readObject.
Serialized Form - Fields
Date defaultCenturyStart
DateFormatSymbols formatData
String pattern
int serialVersionOnStream
Package java.util
Class java.util.ArrayList
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException,
- Reconstitute the ArrayList from a stream (i.e., deserialize it).
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
- Save the state of the ArrayList to a stream (i.e., serialize it).
- Serial Data:
- The length of the array backing the ArrayList is emitted
(int), followed by all of its elements (each an Object)
in the proper order.
Serialized Form - Fields
int size
- The size of the ArrayList (the number of elements it contains).
Class java.util.BitSet
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
throws IOException,
- This override of readObject makes sure unitsInUse is set properly
when deserializing a bitset
Serialized Form - Fields
long[] bits
- The bits in this BitSet. The ith bit is stored in bits[i/64] at
bit position i % 64 (where bit position 0 refers to the least
significant bit and 63 refers to the most significant bit).
Class java.util.Calendar
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException,
- Read this object out to a serialization stream.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream)
throws IOException
- Write object out to a serialization stream.
Serialized Form - Fields
boolean areFieldsSet
- True if
are in sync with the currently set time.
If false, then the next attempt to get the value of a field will
force a recomputation of all fields from the current value of time
int[] fields
- The field values for the currently set time for this calendar.
int firstDayOfWeek
boolean[] isSet
- The flags which tell if a specified time field for the calendar is set.
A new object has no fields set. After the first call to a method
which generates the fields, they all remain set after that.
boolean isTimeSet
- True if then the value of
is valid.
The time is made invalid by the user setting an individual field.
- See Also:
boolean lenient
- See Also:
int minimalDaysInFirstWeek
int nextStamp
int serialVersionOnStream
long time
- The currently set time for this calendar, expressed in milliseconds from January 1, 1970
0:00:00 UTC.
- See Also:
TimeZone zone
- Time zone affects the time calculation done by Calendar. Calendar uses
the time zone data to produce the local time. Both firstDayOfWeek
and minimalDaysInFirstWeek are locale-dependent. For example,
in US locale, firstDayOfWeek is SUNDAY; minimalDaysInFirstWeek is 1.
They are used to figure out the week count for a specific date for
a given locale. These must be set when a Calendar is constructed.
Class java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.util.Date
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException,
- readObject is called to restore a date from the stream.
The UTC time is read and the date set from it.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
- WriteObject is called to save the Date to a stream.
The UTC time is written to the stream as a long.
Class java.util.EmptyStackException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.util.EventObject
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.util.GregorianCalendar
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
long gregorianCutover
- The point at which the Gregorian calendar rules are used, measured in
milliseconds from the standard epoch. Default is October 15, 1582
(Gregorian) 00:00:00 UTC, that is, October 4, 1582 (Julian) is followed
by October 15, 1582 (Gregorian). This corresponds to Julian day number
Class java.util.HashMap
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException,
- Reconstitute the HashMap from a stream (i.e., deserialize it).
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
- Save the state of the HashMap to a stream (i.e., serialize it).
- Serial Data:
- The capacity of the HashMap (the length of the
bucket array) is emitted (int), followed by the
size of the HashMap (the number of key-value
mappings), followed by the key (Object) and value (Object)
for each key-value mapping represented by the HashMap
The key-value mappings are emitted in no particular order.
Serialized Form - Fields
float loadFactor
- The load factor for the hashtable.
int threshold
- The table is rehashed when its size exceeds this threshold. (The
value of this field is (int)(capacity * loadFactor).)
Class java.util.HashSet
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException,
- Reconstitute the HashSet from a stream (i.e., deserialize it).
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
- Save the state of the HashSet to a stream (i.e., serialize it).
- Serial Data:
- The capacity of the backing HashMap (int), and
its load factor (float) are emitted, followed by the
size of the HashSet (the number of elements it
contains) (int), followed by all of its elements
(each an Object) in no particular order.
Class java.util.Hashtable
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException,
- Reconstitute the Hashtable from a stream (i.e., deserialize it).
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
- Save the state of the Hashtable to a stream (i.e., serialize it).
- Serial Data:
- The capacity of the Hashtable (the length of the
bucket array) is emitted (int), followed by the
size of the Hashtable (the number of key-value
mappings), followed by the key (Object) and value (Object)
for each key-value mapping represented by the Hashtable
The key-value mappings are emitted in no particular order.
Serialized Form - Fields
float loadFactor
- The load factor for the hashtable.
int threshold
- The table is rehashed when its size exceeds this threshold. (The
value of this field is (int)(capacity * loadFactor).)
Class java.util.LinkedList
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException,
- Reconstitute the LinkedList from a stream (i.e., deserialize it).
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
- Save the state of the LinkedList to a stream (i.e., serialize it).
- Serial Data:
- The size of the LinkedList (the number of elements it
contains) is emitted (int), followed by all of its
elements (each an Object) in the proper order.
Class java.util.Locale
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
throws IOException,
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out)
throws IOException
Serialized Form - Fields
String country
int hashcode
String language
String variant
Class java.util.MissingResourceException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String className
String key
Class java.util.NoSuchElementException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.util.Properties
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Properties defaults
- A property list that contains default values for any keys not
found in this property list.
Class java.util.PropertyPermission
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException,
- readObject is called to restore the state of the PropertyPermission from
a stream.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
- WriteObject is called to save the state of the PropertyPermission
to a stream. Only the mask is serialized since we want to
recalculate the other values when the contents are restored.
Serialized Form - Fields
String actions
- The actions string.
Left null as long as possible, then created and re-used
in the getAction function.
int mask
- The actions mask.
Class java.util.Random
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
boolean haveNextNextGaussian
double nextNextGaussian
long seed
- The internal state associated with this pseudorandom number generator.
(The specs for the methods in this class describe the ongoing
computation of this value.)
Class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException,
- Read this object out to a serialization stream. We handle both 1.1 FCS
binary formats, and full formats with a packed byte array.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream)
throws IOException
- Write object out to a serialization stream. Note that we write out two
formats, a 1.1 FCS-compatible format, using DOW_IN_MONTH_MODE rules,
in the "required" section, followed by the full rules, in packed format,
in the "optional" section. The optional section will be ignored by 1.1
FCS code upon stream in.
Serialized Form - Fields
int dstSavings
- A positive value indicating the amount of time saved during DST in ms.
Typically one hour; sometimes 30 minutes.
int endDay
int endDayOfWeek
int endMode
- Variables specifying the mode of the start and end rules.
int endMonth
int endTime
byte[] monthLength
int rawOffset
int serialVersionOnStream
int startDay
int startDayOfWeek
int startMode
- Variables specifying the mode of the start and end rules.
int startMonth
int startTime
int startYear
boolean useDaylight
Class java.util.Stack
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.util.TimeZone
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String ID
Class java.util.TooManyListenersException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.util.TreeMap
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException,
- Reconstitute the TreeMap from a stream (i.e., deserialize it).
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
- Save the state of the TreeMap to a stream (i.e., serialize it).
- Serial Data:
- The size of the TreeMap (the number of key-value
mappings) is emitted (int), followed by the key (Object)
and value (Object) for each key-value mapping represented
by the TreeMap. The key-value mappings are emitted in
key-order (as determined by the TreeMap's Comparator,
or by the keys' natural ordering if the TreeMap has no
Serialized Form - Fields
Comparator comparator
- The Comparator used to maintain order in this TreeMap, or
null if this TreeMap uses its elements natural ordering.
Class java.util.TreeSet
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException,
- Reconstitute the TreeSet from a stream (i.e., deserialize it).
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
throws IOException
- Save the state of the TreeSet to a stream (i.e., serialize it).
- Serial Data:
- Emits the Comparator used to order this TreeSet, or
null if it obeys its elements' natural ordering (Object),
followed by the size of the TreeSet (the number of
elements it contains) (int), followed by all of its
elements (each an Object) in order (as determined by the
TreeSet's Comparator, or by the elements' natural ordering
if the TreeSet has no Comparator).
Class java.util.Vector
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
int capacityIncrement
- The amount by which the capacity of the vector is automatically
incremented when its size becomes greater than its capacity. If
the capacity increment is
, the capacity of the
vector is doubled each time it needs to grow.
int elementCount
- The number of valid components in this Vector object.
Components elementData[0] through
elementData[elementCount-1] are the actual items.
Object[] elementData
- The array buffer into which the components of the vector are
stored. The capacity of the vector is the length of this array buffer,
and is at least large enough to contain all the vector's elements.
Any array elements following the last element in the Vector are null.
Package java.util.jar
Class java.util.jar.JarException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.util.mime
Class java.util.mime.MimeType
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in)
throws IOException,
- The object implements the readExternal method to restore its
contents by calling the methods of DataInput for primitive
types and readObject for objects, strings and arrays. The
readExternal method must read the values in the same sequence
and with the same types as were written by writeExternal.
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out)
throws IOException
- The object implements the writeExternal method to save its contents
by calling the methods of DataOutput for its primitive values or
calling the writeObject method of ObjectOutput for objects, strings
and arrays.
Class java.util.mime.MimeTypeParseException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package java.util.zip
Class java.util.zip.DataFormatException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class java.util.zip.ZipException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package org.omg.CORBA
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.Bounds
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.FREE_MEM
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.IMP_LIMIT
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.INTF_REPOS
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.INV_FLAG
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.INV_IDENT
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.NO_MEMORY
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.SystemException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
CompletionStatus completed
- The status of the operation that threw this exception.
int minor
- The CORBA Exception minor code.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.UnknownUserException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
Any except
- The
instance that contains the actual user exception thrown
by the server.
Class org.omg.CORBA.UserException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.WrongTransaction
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage
Class org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package org.omg.CORBA.portable
Class org.omg.CORBA.portable.ApplicationException
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
String id
InputStream ins
Package org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage
Class org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.Bounds
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Package org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage
Class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.AlreadyBound
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.CannotProceed
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
NamingContext cxt
NameComponent[] rest_of_name
Class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.InvalidName
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotEmpty
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Class org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFound
This class implements Serializable.
Serialized Form - Methods
No readObject or writeObject method declared.
Serialized Form - Fields
NameComponent[] rest_of_name
NotFoundReason why
Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4
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This documentation was generated with a post-Beta4 version of Javadoc.