Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

Class java.sql.SQLWarning

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SQLWarning
extends SQLException

The SQLWarning class provides information on a database access warnings. Warnings are silently chained to the object whose method caused it to be reported.

See Also:
Connection.getWarnings(), Statement.getWarnings(), ResultSet.getWarnings(), Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Construct an SQLWarning ; reason defaults to null, SQLState defaults to null and vendorCode defaults to 0.
SQLWarning(String reason, String SQLstate, int vendorCode)
          Construct a fully specified SQLWarning.
SQLWarning(String reason, String SQLstate)
          Construct an SQLWarning with a reason and SQLState; vendorCode defaults to 0.
SQLWarning(String reason)
          Construct an SQLWarning with a reason; SQLState defaults to null and vendorCode defaults to 0.
Method Summary
 SQLWarning getNextWarning()
          Get the warning chained to this one
 void setNextWarning(SQLWarning w)
          Add an SQLWarning to the end of the chain.
Methods inherited from class java.sql.SQLException
getErrorCode , getNextException , getSQLState , setNextException
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace , getLocalizedMessage , getMessage , printStackTrace , printStackTrace , printStackTrace , toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone , equals , finalize , getClass , hashCode , notify , notifyAll , wait , wait , wait

Constructor Detail


public SQLWarning(String reason,
                  String SQLstate,
                  int vendorCode)
Construct a fully specified SQLWarning.
reason - a description of the warning
SQLState - an XOPEN code identifying the warning
vendorCode - a database vendor specific warning code


public SQLWarning(String reason,
                  String SQLstate)
Construct an SQLWarning with a reason and SQLState; vendorCode defaults to 0.
reason - a description of the warning
SQLState - an XOPEN code identifying the warning


public SQLWarning(String reason)
Construct an SQLWarning with a reason; SQLState defaults to null and vendorCode defaults to 0.
reason - a description of the warning


public SQLWarning()
Construct an SQLWarning ; reason defaults to null, SQLState defaults to null and vendorCode defaults to 0.
Method Detail


public SQLWarning getNextWarning()
Get the warning chained to this one
the next SQLException in the chain, null if none


public void setNextWarning(SQLWarning w)
Add an SQLWarning to the end of the chain.
w - the new end of the SQLException chain

Java Platform 1.2
Beta 4

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