CSE 311: Foundations of Computing I, Summer 2024

This page will be updated when necessary


You are not required to typeset your homework solutions; however, it is an easy way to improve the legibility of your documents. Many Allen School students learned to typeset in this course.

LaTeX is the standard tool for typesetting mathematical materials. While it takes some time to learn, it will likely pay for itself in the long run. You can even use LaTeX in places like Ed and Facebook Messenger!

These resources may be helpful for you to get started with LaTeX, with thanks to Adam Blank:

Overleaf is an online editor that spares you from having to install LaTeX locally. Overleaf has some documentation as well


We get many questions about formatting -- we aren't as strict about formatting as your high school classes were (or your English classes likely are), but we do have some requirements to make grading easier for the TAs:
  • Have every numbered problem start on its own page (so TAs can easily find where your answers start)
  • We don't care if you restate the question or not, but do list the number and letter
  • list your collaborators somewhere on the pdf that we can find (we don't have a specific requirement on where -- the first or last page are common choices)
  • When you upload to gradescope, make sure you select pages and that the pages are right-side-up
  • Putting your name on your submitted pdf is not required (Gradescope automatically associates your name to your submission). We prefer you don't put your own name on your submission (as it reduces the chances of unconscious bias for the graders), but it is not forbidden.