CSE 311: Foundations of Computing I, Spring 2023

Course Staff/Office Hours

In addition to the staff contact information, this page contains the most up-to-date listing of staff office hours (and their location). Office hours are subject to change, but we'll try to keep this page accurate at least a week into the future. Note: AC nth floor = Allen Center Breakout Space on Floor n.

  • Jacob Berg (he/him) (Instructor 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM)
  • jacob33 [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Office Hours: Fridays from 2:30 - 3:30
  • Lecture Section: A (EXED 110)

  • Hello, I'm Jacob! I grew up in Seattle and am studying Computer Science with a particular interest in robotics. In my spare time I enjoy playing hockey, going climbing, walking my dog, and playing board games with friends. Looking forward to meeting you all this quarter and super excited to be a summer instructor!
  • Timothy Tran (he/him)
  • timttran [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section
  • Office Hours:

  • Hey everyone! 311 is my favorite 300 level class so I'm really excited to be TAing it! Outside of CS, I love to climb and play tennis, so you'll likely either catch me climbing at Crags or playing tennis most days. Feel free to reach out if you wanna talk about academics or literally anything
  • Aruna Srivastava (She / Her)
  • arunasri [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section
  • Office Hours:

  • Hey guys! I am a second-year in CS, formerly in Informatics, and I am excited to return to 311! Outside of school, I am usually playing tennis, cooking with friends, or watching F1. Feel free to reach out about applying in-house to Info or CS or anything else.
  • Robert Stevens (He / Him)
  • rsteve2 [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section
  • Office Hours:

  • Hi, I'm Robert! I'm a junior in CS and math and I'm excited to be TAing 311 for my 2nd quarter. I'm interested in algorithms, probability, and analysis. Feel free to ask me anything about math, hiking, video games, or being a transfer student!
  • Raymond Yu (He / Him)
  • ryu5 [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AC
  • Office Hours: 9:30-11:30 Monday, Thursday

  • Hi, I'm Raymond! I'm a sophomore in CS. I'm interested in robotics, reinforcement learning, and computer vision. I'm excited to TA for 311 for the first time and looking forward to meeting you all! Outside of school, I pretend to do sports, eat lots of food, and go on grocery runs to get more food.
  • Andre Ye (He / Him)
  • andreye [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section AC
  • Office Hours: 9-12 Tuesdays, Allen Breakout Level 5

  • Hey! I'm a junior in philosophy and CS; my research is in HCI/HAI with a little bit of computer vision. CSE 311 is cool af so I hope we can have fun together!
  • Cade Dillon
  • caded19 [at] cs.washington.edu
  • Section
  • Office Hours: Wednesdays 2-4PM on Zoom

  • Hi everybody! I graduated from CS in the spring and I'm coming back for my Masters in the fall. I've been TA'ing 311 for six or seven (??) quarters and it's a subject I'm excited to share with you. In my free time I train rings gymnastics, handbalancing, and play video games with my cat Bagel.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9-9:30a Raymond (AC 3rd floor) Timothy (Remote)
9:30-10a Raymond (AC 3rd floor) Timothy (Remote)
10-10:30a Raymond (AC 3rd floor) Timothy (Remote)
10:30-11a Raymond (AC 3rd floor)
11-11:30a Raymond (AC 3rd floor)
2-2:30p Cade (Remote) Robert (4th Floor Breakout)
2:30-3p Cade (Remote) Robert (4th Floor Breakout) Jacob, Raymond (CSE 1, 210)
3-3:30p Cade (Remote) Robert (4th Floor Breakout) Jacob, Raymond (CSE 1, 210)
Cade (Remote) Robert (4th Floor Breakout)
4-4:30p Aruna (Allen 2nd Floor Breakout)
4:30-5p Aruna (Allen 2nd Floor Breakout)
5-5:30p Aruna (Allen 2nd Floor Breakout)