Working at Home
last updated March 29 2014
To work on web programming at home, we recommend that you install the following software:
a web browser that is friendly to web development, such as:
- add-on for Firefox (very highly recommended)
a text editor for typing your programs, such as:
- Windows:
, or
TextPad, or
- Mac:
, or
- Linux:
Geany, or gedit, or vim/emacs, or
- (we explicitly discourage/forbid WYSIWYG editors that write out the HTML/CSS code for you, such as DreamWeaver or FrontPage.)
an SFTP file transfer program for uploading your programs to our Webster server, such as:
Because the web pages change frequently and because you are smart and resourceful students, we won't provide detailed instructions here for how to download and install these programs. If you get stuck, please contact your TA and/or the instructor for help.