If you think there was a mistake in our grading of your work, you may submit a regrade request. This is not the same as a resubmission. You are submitting your work for a complete regrade - your score can go down as a result. For example, you might get back a point on an assignment that shouldn't have been taken off but you might lose other points that should have been taken off. Or you might get points back on one exam question only to find that you should have lost points on some other exam question.
Homework and exams are graded differently and so regrade requests are handled differently for each:
Students are encouraged to first discuss homework grading with their individual TA. If you aren't sure why you lost a point or if you disagree with the TA's evaluation, you should start by talking to your TA to see if you can resolve it directly. If not, you can request a regrade.
For homework regrade requests, you should fill out this Regrade Request form for our head TA, Raymond Berry, to review. Regrade requests must be submitted within 2 weeks of receiving your score for an assignment. Your entire assignment will be regraded, which may result in a lower grade. We will contact you by email regarding your regrade request.
Exams are graded collectively by the course staff, so individual TAs have less power to deal with exam grading issues. Taylor will handle all exam regrade requests. Please submit regrades by the following dates:
Remember, when you submit your exam for a regrade, Taylor will regrade the entire exam - your score might go down as a result.
Please note: This is not an opportunity to turn in a second answer. It is intended to allow you to show how close your original answer was to being right. You are not to change the answer you wrote on your exam paper.
You are required to test your exam solutions for certain programming problems before turning them in for a regrade. You can use the following testing programs to do so:
You can pick up your exam from the front desk of CSE1 (Allen Center). If you would like to submit a regrade request, send Taylor an email with the details of what you'd like regraded as well as typed-up versions of any programming problems you want regraded. These will be verified against scans of your test.
Then in a note to Taylor, describe how close you were to having the right answer. You still have to turn in your original exam along with your note to have the regrade take place. You can hand your exam to Taylor in office hours or slip your exam under her door. Taylor's office is in the Allen Center (CSE1), room 212.