CSE 142B, Spring 2022: Exploration Sessions

Each week, we will hold an optional "exploration session" featuring a presentation, discussion, or activity on a topic related to computer science, but outside the normal scope of CSE 142. These sessions will provide opportunities to engage and interact with your classmates, the TAs, and a variety of guests, as well as to explore aspects of CS, STEM, and related areas in ways beyond the programming focus of CSE 142.

For every 3 Exploration Sessions you attend, you will receive 1 token that grants an extension for a late checkpoint. See the Ed post for complete details. If you missed a checkpoint, go ahead and submit it even though it'll be marked as late on Ed. At the end of the quarter, we will automatically accept Math.floor(# of sessions you've received credit for / 3) checkpoint submissions you have successfully completed.

Exploration Sessions are held Thursdays 5:00pm-6:00pm PT in BAG 131.

Our guest speaker for this week would be professor Shayan Oveis Gharan, who is the current instructor for CSE421 (Introduction to Algorithms). Shayan's research focuses on the design and analysis of algorithms for descrete objects, and he has received multiple best paper awards at SODA, STOC, and other conferences for discrete math / theoretical computer science.

Speaker: Shayan Oveis Gharan

We had a speaker fall through, so unfortunately need to cancel this week's exploration session!

Speaker: TBD

Come on a journey with Kasey Champion and Kim Nguyen as they guide you through their top tips for not losing your gd mind trying to pursue a career in tech while attending the UW.

Speaker: Kim Nguyen and Kasey Champion

Be it social-media platforms, robots, or big data systems, the code we as programmers write -- the decisions we make -- influences the world in which it operates. Computer ethics is a spearheading field in the academia that addresses the ethical issues and inherent constraints from the applications for computer science, and how they could be mitigated or prevented.

Speaker: Jared Moore

If you're wondering what it's like to work in the tech industry, this exploration session is for you! Hear from new grads (and some previous 14x TAs!) about their paths to the tech industry, what their everyday jobs are like, and the cool projects they're working on.

Speaker: Eric Koegler, Ken Aragon, Chelsea Le, Libby Knell

Are you curious about how programming and the code quality guidelines we use today came about? This talk will cover topics including The Software Crisis of the 1970s, how we developed practices we now view as foundational and obvious for writing code, awnd why those practices produces 'good' code.

Speaker: Omar Ibrahim

Hear from current TAs about what prompted them to join their majors and what extracurriculars they've engaged with during their time at UW.

Speakers: Jin Terada-Whitre, Aerin Malana, Sarah Khan, Lisi Case