CSE 142B, Spring 2022: COVID-19 Information

Remote Learning

As per the University of Washington's guidelines, CSE 142 will return to in-person instructions for all modalities (lecture, section, IPL). However, if you get sick, please do not come to campus If you are feeling unwell, here are the ways to make up 142's modalities:

  • Lecture: just like before the transition to in-person, lectures are recorded and will be uploaded to the course website, and accompany the Ed lesson.
  • As of April 18, we are also live-streaming lectures via Panopto.
  • Quiz Section: View the section materials on our Ed course and bring your questions to the IPL or post on the Ed discussion board.
  • Assessments: if you will not be able to make any assessment deadline (regular due date or resubmission, please email Miya as soon as possible!

In-Person Safety

Masks will become optional inside most University facilities starting March 28, though the University strongly recommends that you wear a face mask for the first two weeks of spring quarter. Anyone who wishes to wear a mask throughout the quarter is encouraged and welcome to do so.

Health Resources

The University of Washington has many COVID-19 resources for students. Here are a few links that you may find helpful during this time: