The self assessments are designed for students to practice the skills that are normally tested with the exams. In this assignment, you will have 24 hours to complete, self grade, annotate, and reflect on the self assessment. There will be a Canvas quiz posted where you can turn in the required materials. You will then meet with your section TA to talk about how the self assessment went. This assignment is graded on the amount of effort you put into this exercise.
The sections below elaborate more on the requirements and expectations of this assignment.
You may not use any written material, but a standard "cheat sheet" which will be provided as part of the self assessment. No electronic devices, including calculators or smart devices, may be used. You must handwrite the entire self assessment. You should spend no more than 1 hour taking the self assessment. Once 1 hour passes, you should stop immediately (even if you run out of time), then grade and annotate the assessment (described below).
You will be responsible for grading the mechanical questions. You will be provided with an answer key for the entire assessment that you can use to help grade these questions.
You will also be responsible for annotating the programming questions. You do not have to debug every question, but you should have an idea of types of mistakes you made on the self assessment. For example, if you forgot a for loop, annotate that you were missing a for loop. The Canvas quiz will help guide you on the types of annotations we are looking for.
You should schedule a short 10-15 minute interactive, one-on-one session with your section TA. In these one-on-one sessions you will discuss your performance on the assessment. It is expected to not have time to discuss the entire self assessment so you should come with specific questions you want to talk about. You should prioritize talking over parts of the self assessment you may have struggled with. The Canvas quiz includes sample question topics that you may use in your discussion with your section TA.
You must make an appointment with your section TA for an interactive-grading session. Failure to do so will result in receiving no credit this self assessment. Your section TA will explain how to schedule these sessions.
You will be graded on the amount of effort you put into the self assessment. Your performance on the self assessment has no effect on your grade. This means if you perform poorly on the self assessment, but demonstrate you have thought critically about how to improve in the class in your one-one-one interactive session with your TA, you will receive full credit. We are aiming for you to have a productive conversation with your TAs with a plan on how to further your knowledge in the course. If you perform extremely well in the self assessment, you can use this time as an opportunity to ask what are other ways you can challenge yourself or build upon what you know at this point in the course.
The first self assessment will cover material from chapters 1 through 5 of the textbook but will not include graphics. You are not allowed to use more advanced material to solve the programming problems.
Question | Description |
1 | expressions |
2 | parameter mystery |
3 | if/else simulation |
4 | while loop simulation |
5 | assertions |
6 | debugging |
7 | programming |
8 | programming |
9 | programming (probably hard) |
The final will cover material from chapters 1 through 10 of the textbook but will not include graphics. You are not allowed to use more advanced material to solve the programming problems.
You should spend 2 hours to complete the final self assessment.
Question | Description |
1 | reference mystery |
2 | array simulation |
3 | inheritance mystery |
4 | ArrayList debugging |
5 | file processing |
6 | file processing |
7 | array programming |
8 | Critters |
9 | array programming |
10 | programming (challenge) |
Note: unlike other programming problems, the Critters problem may be graded partially on proper object-oriented style and design.