Students can sign up for an optional "CSE 190" programming lab for a 5th CSE credit to supplement their the CSE 142 course. In this lab, each student will work at a computer for 80 minutes once per week to solve programming problems. TAs will be present to help answer questions.
loops, Random
, and midterm practice
(Tue Nov 2)
, Scanner
, and return
(Tue Oct 26)
problems from within the DrawingPanel
by clicking File, Compare to Web File....
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CSE 142 is a 4-credit course. But many students feel that the workload or difficulty of the class is more like that of a 5-credit course. Some students want extra help or extra practice working with CSE 142 material, and/or they wish they could get that 5th credit that they probably deserve for their work. To address this need, we have created an optional 1-credit lab called CSE 190 that is meant to accompany CSE 142. If you sign up for the 190 lab, every Tuesday you would go to a lab in Mary Gates Hall and work on CSE problems at a computer for 80 minutes each week.
There is no "homework" from 190, and it is strictly a CR/NC pass/fail session. You get the marks simply by showing up and working on the problems. TAs from our course will be there walking around and helping everyone and answering questions. Our hope is that it would be a relaxed atmosphere open to collaboration, sharing information, asking questions, working together, etc.
190 will be a way for students to get extra practice and become more comfortable with 142's material, to help them do better on the homeworks and exams and generally perform well in CSE 142. It is optional, and space is limited (though we will try to add another section if it's popular enough). If you would like a 5th credit and some extra practice and help, please sign up for 190! You can sign up using the normal UW online system.
Note that our sessions are CSE 190 sections "G", "H" and "I" (not section "A", "B", etc., which are different seminar sessions). The labs take place on Tuesdays at various times. Here's the link to the University time schedule with more info about the times/places: