Lab #2 Directories, Files and SFTP

(due Thursday, 1/15, 11:59 PM)

Creating a new folder at your website

On the right side of the screen, you'll see a folder called public_html (or student_html if you are also a staff/faculty member)

This is where your website files will live. The files you store here are the ones you'll see when you go to your web site (from Lab #1): (or if you are part of the UW staff)

You need to create a folder in the public_html directory to store your files for this class. Here's how:

1. Double click public_html to open it.

2. Choose one of these methods to create a new folder:

a. Go to the Operation menu and select New Folder:

b. Right-click in the right side of the screen and select New Folder

c. Click on the New Folder iconNew Folder icon

3. Name your folder fit100 ("FIT" stands for "Fluency in Information Technology").

NOTES on file/folder naming:
Case matters - FIT100 is different than fit100
Don't use spaces in file names

If you make a mistake, you can right-click the folder name and select Rename

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