Check to be sure your page is complete (see the list at the bottom of this page), then follow these steps to submit your work:
1. Create a Word document with your name, UW NetID, Student ID number, Lab section, and the full URL for your web page.
2. Upload this file to the Catalyst DropBox (when you get to the Catalyst page, remember to click on:
in the left column to find all of the drop boxes for this class, then choose the one for project 1A).
To see a sample of a completed page, click here
page title 4 points
heading 2 points
your page includes a table 4 points
topic description (topic must fit the guidelines) 5 points
images which you plan to modify 3 points
the source of the original image(s) 4 points
and your permission or legal rights to use the image(s) 6 points
paragraph describing how you plan to manipulate the image 6 points
A disclaimer logo 6 points
Validation logo showing that your page is valid according to W3 guidelines 10 points
Total: 50 points