Choose a topic
The only limitations to your topics are these:
- The topic must be one in which misinformation could present serious difficulties to those who believed it. For example, a site about a new drug that will reduce all effects of sun and help the user avoid skin cancer completely.
- The topic must be one on which people will not already have a strong opinion or extensive knowledge that would tip them off. For example, a site that claims that smoking has never had any negative effects on the population. (However, you might be able to make a convincing argument if you pull a number of statistics and tobacco company reports to support a lesser claim.)
- The content of your Web site of misinformation should permit comfortable viewing by everyone. If you're unsure about the "tastefulness" of particular content, talk to your professor or TA, or choose something else.
- Please avoid the following topics:
- September 11th
- Presidential elections
- War in Iraq
- All types of discrimination (ethnic, gender, religious, etc).
- Attacks on private persons
Your misinformation Web site could be about:
- Lunar ruins newly uncovered.
- A new human gene that is discovered.
- Permanent inoculation against computer viruses, to be taken by the user.
- Move a well-known landmark (e.g., Eiffel Tower) to a different cityscape (e.g. Seattle) and create a visitor’s site for that landmark!
- Another Martian pyramid discovered.
- Translator developed for Dolphin speech.
- Create a home page for a fictitious product, company, special interest group, city, or school.
- Yet another scandal involving a public person (No private persons may be used for this project.)
- Yet another conspiracy theory.
- Anything else that you find interesting!
Important: Pick a topic that interests you.
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