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STEPS: Overview | Part A & B | Markup | Table Tags | Save & Validate | Content and Style | Turn in Work

OTHER PAGES: Topic Guidelines | Copyright Compliance | Creating a Logo | Sample Final Page

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Project 1 A website of misinformation

Part A Getting Started

You will use NotePad++ to build your website and GIMP to manipulate your images. If you're working on a Mac, use TextWrangler.

1. Open NotePad++. In the lab, that's on the Start menu. In the MGH430 drop-in lab, it's found under Start > All Programs > Programming and Development. (See screenshots.)

2. Download this XHTML 1.0 Strict validated file to begin. If you open it in a browser, it will look blank because there is no content in the body.

To save the file, right-click (PC) or click-hold (Mac) the link and choose the option "Save link as..." or "Save target as..."). Save to your Desktop or the Downloads folder (default). The default is the usual location.

screenshot of blank.html

3. Enter a descriptive title for your page (this page will describe your plan for your misinformation page).

4. Using the <h1> tags, type a heading for your page (remember to put it inside the "body" section).

5. Save your file as project_plan.html on your Desktop for now.

6. Open it in Firefox. You should see your heading. If you don't, go back to your code and be sure you've put your heading inside the "body" section.

Heading shows


Next, you will learn to use another set of very useful tags (the 'table" tags)

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Finding NotePad++

MGH 058 or 040

MGH 430