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STEPS: Overview | Part A & B | Markup | Table Tags | Save & Validate | Adding Content | Turn in Work

OTHER PAGES: Topic Guidelines |Copyright Compliance |Creating a Logo | Sample Final Page


Project 1A—Website of Misinformation

Creating a disclaimer logo using MS Word

1. With your logo showing on your screen, hit the "PrtSc" button on your keyboard to make a copy of the screen.

2. Open "Paint"

3. Paste the image into paint (Ctrl-V)

4. Use the selection tool to outline your logo

5. Copy the image (Ctrl-C)

6. Open your web page in NotePad++ or TextWrangler.

7. Place your img tag where you want it to go. Be sure to add an "alternate text" attribute that will explain the image to users who are unable to view images.

8. Save your Web page and preview in a Web browser. Does it look the way you want it to look?

9. You're done!


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