A. Introduction | B. Design | C. Design | D. Formulas | E. Formulas | F. Conditionals | G. Examples | H. Submitting Your Work
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Lab 10 Grades Spreadsheet
E. Creating Formulas by Using Functions (continued)
Now that you have entered all of the formulas for each type of assignment, we want to know the total possible points for the course thus far, the total points earned to date, and current percentage in the course.
- Total possible to date. Go to cell L44 that says "Total Possible". This "Total Possible" cell is a label for the total possible for the entire course to date.
Just like you did previously, type in a function that sums up the points in the column for "Sub-Total Possible" in the cell to the right of the new "Total Possible" heading you just made. Put this function in the same column as the "Sub-Total Possible" column -- cell N43. Although you have a lot of empty cells inbetween what you are summing, you can still use the sum function here since you don't have cells with text between what you are trying to sum.
- Total earned to date. Type "Total Earned" underneath "Total Possible". Put the function to the right of "Total Earned" but in the column for "Sub-Total Earned". Again, you can use the sum function.
- Overall percentage to date. Calculate an overall percentage for the course with the "Total Possible" and the "Total Earned". Use the same formula given before and type "Overall Percentage" underneath "Total Earned". Place the function in the same column where you calculated the other percentages.
![Points Possible Example](images/excel10.jpg)
A. Introduction | B. Design | C. Design | D. Formulas | E. Formulas | F. Conditionals | G. Examples | H. Submitting Your Work
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