Steam-powered Turing Machine University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering
CSE 573 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Autumn 2012
Wed, Fri 1:30-2:50pm in EEB 025 (moved from 042)
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Instructor: Dan Weld (weld at cs dot washington dot edu)
Office hours: Thurs 9am in CSE 588 or by email
TA: Johnson Goh (johnson at cs dot washington dot edu)
Office hours: Wed 10:30am in CSE 002 computer cluster


Date Topics & Lecture Notes Readings
September 26 Introduction, Agents, Problem Spaces R&N Ch. 2; (Optional Ch 1)
September 28 Heuristic Search R&N Ch3 thru 3.5
October 3 Generating Heuristics & Intro to Games R&N Sections 3.6 & 5.1
October 5 Mini-max, alpha-beta & expectimax R&N Finish Ch 5 & read Ch 13
October 10 decision theory & MDPs R&N Sections 16.1-16.4, 16.6, 17.1-17.4
October 12 MDPs: value iteration, RTDP & policy iteration
October 17 Monte Carlo Planning: Multi-armed bandit, policy rollout, sparse sampling, adaptive MCP, UCB, UCT Sections 3.1-3.3 of Kloetzer's thesis
October 19 Reinforcement Learning: ADP, TD-learning, Q-learning, credit assignment, exploration / exploitation policies R&N Ch 21 thru 21.3; Optional Szepesvari tutorial
October 26 Reinforcement Learning II - approximation techniques R&N Sections 21.4 - 21.7
October 31 Introduction to uncertainty & HMMs R&N Chapter 13 & Sections 14.1, 14.2, 15.1 & 15.2
November 2 Particle filters for HMMs R&N Sections 14.5 & 15.5
November 7 Bayesian networks: semantics, independence & inference
November 9 Learning Bayesian networks R&N Sections 18.1, 18.2, 20.1, 20.2
November 14 Structure Learning, EM, Ensembles R&N Sections 18.10, 18.11, 20.3
November 28 POMDPs and their applications R&N Section 17.4
November 30 Constraint Satisfaction Problems R&N Chapter 6
December 5 Knowledge Representation: Propositional Logic, First-order logic & MLNs R&N Chapters 7,8 & 9
December 7 Project Presentations
December 14 Final reports due by 1:30pm

Programming Projects

This quarter, we will use the excellent Berkeley Pac-Man Projects originaly developed by John DeNero and Dan Klein. Please complete the versions listed below, as they differ in places from the originals. Use Python 2.x


Check here for info on the final project. Tentative group definitions and a one-sentence idea due Wed 11/14.


Course Administration and Policies


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Box 352350
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