HYDRA Review

From: Nathan Dire (ndire_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 15:32:52 PST

  • Next message: Cem Paya 98: "Review: Hydra"

    In "HYDRA: the Kernel of a Multiprocessor Operating System", Wulf, et.
    al., present a very minimal but flexible set of core functionalities to
    form the basis for operating systems to run on C.mmp at CMU. The
    authors expand on ideas concerning protection in multiprogramming

    The design philosophy of HYDRA seems to have much in common with what is
    now termed a micro-kernel architecture. The authors wish to provide a
    very minimal, robust, and flexible environment that allows the user "to
    create his own operating environment without being confined to
    predetermined command and file systems, execution scenarios, resource
    allocation policies." Three aspects of the approach stand out:
    rejecting Dijkstra's strict hierarchical layering; separating mechanism
    from policy; and integrating the design with the implementation. These
    ideas seem to differ somewhat from earlier papers, and seem to have
    persisted in current research.

    The HYDRA environment starts with three basic object types: procedure,
    local name space, and process. A procedure is as generally defined,
    though it includes additional mechanisms to handle protection. An LNS
    is the context for an active procedure. The term process corresponds
    with it's current usage. These concepts are relatively easy to

    As with the Dennis and Van Horn paper, capabilities are the key to
    protection in the HYDRA system. The capability design is extended,
    however, in that every object may contain capabilities referencing other
    objects, and capabilities may refer to any type or operation.

    At the level of abstraction found in this paper, I find it difficult to
    evaluate the utility of the ideas, other than as methodology. Certainly
    the time and space performance penalties for the pervasive use of
    capabilities would need to be measured. As a whole, I think the system
    forms a very solid basis for developing multiprocessor operating
    systems, and the capability approach would help with addressing many
    current security problems.

  • Next message: Cem Paya 98: "Review: Hydra"

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