Review: Hydra

From: Cem Paya 98 (Cem.Paya.98_at_Alum.Dartmouth.ORG)
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 15:37:05 PST

  • Next message: Ankur Rawat \(Excell Data Corporation\): "Hydra paper reivew - from Ankur Rawat."

    Paper review: HYDRA, Kernel of a multi-processor operating
    Corwin et. al.
    CSE 551P, Cem Paya

    This paper describes the design for a kernel flexible
    enough to serve as the basis on multiple different
    operating systems. (Unlike the van Horn paper, this more
    recent work uses terminology such as “OS” consistent with
    current usage.) Support for multi-processing is high
    priority, since the system would be running on the
    Carnegie-Mellon cmmp machine which supports up to 16
    processors. This concession to hardware characteristics,
    captured in the first of six requirements, is one of the
    few places where the paper shows its vintage, as it is
    otherwise ahead of its time. Second requirement addresses
    one of the common gripes about OS design, confusing
    mechanism with policy, and accidentally designing features
    constraining the latter. Fourth requirement, rejecting
    strict hierarchical layering is also interesting—and going
    against Dijskta’s approach—but it is not clear how this
    found expression in the final design because Hydra does
    not look highly structured, and not all the collection of
    loosely coupled small pieces this rejection would suggest
    on the outset. Fifth requirement effectively embraces
    capability based access controls, citing an earlier work
    by Dennis, although van Horn semantics paper is referenced
    as well. Focusing on hardware errors in the sixth
    requirement is again something of an anachronism. With
    manufacturing defects common and hardware reliability
    relatively low, correctly handling fatal errors of this
    type may have been relevant in the 1970s but is not a
    significant concern today.

    Armed with these six guiding principles, the authors go on
    to describe a kernel implementing very flexible access
    controls, granular down to the level of procedures. At the
    foundation is a typed object system; every resource is
    described by an object. Objects have types—which happens
    to be just a pointer to one specific representative of
    that class; this simple typing system allows user defined
    types. Capabilities are analogous to pointers or
    references to objects, but they also encode permissions.
    (This is the important part—authors correctly point out
    that knowing the name of an object is not sufficient for
    granting access.) Procedure call builds on the C-list
    idea in MCS paper by describing an explicit arrangement
    where calling conventions are designed to alter
    capabilities in a predictable way. Each invocation of a
    procedure is associated with a local name space or LNS.
    Each LNS is given capabilities that are a combination of
    built-in ones associated with the procedure plus derived
    from capabilities of the caller.

    The risk model is not explicitly outlined in the paper,
    but it appears to envision untrusted callers calling
    trusted code. Such callers are only given permissions to
    carry out the required logic set forth in the procedure,
    during the invocation of the procedure. They do not retain
    those capabilities afterwards for their own use. In
    principle this seems like a good idea but experience
    designing systems have shown that:
    1. Callers find ways to manipulate the procedure into
    doing things they were not mean to do—effectively use the
    procedure as an oracle for doing computations the caller
    was supposedly prohibited from performing. Bugtraq
    archives are full of such classic set-user-ID priviledge
    escalation attacks in UNIX.
    2. Often times callees are untrusted too. Many
    systems today use callbacks where applications call into
    user code. The called procedure acquiring all of the
    capabilities of the caller is just as dangerous.

    Last section describes an example of a bibliography
    system, with a series of complex access control
    requirements and how these would be naturally implemented
    in Hydra by extending the type system and defining new
    capabilities of operating on the bibliographic collection.
    However the argument most systems can’t implement such
    complicated rules is unconvincing. While the fineprint
    that “esoteric multi-file structures” can solve the
    problem, this too is unnecessary: off-the-shelf operating
    systems circa 1990 could implement this in multiple
    different ways.

  • Next message: Ankur Rawat \(Excell Data Corporation\): "Hydra paper reivew - from Ankur Rawat."

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