HYDRA review

From: David Coleman (dcoleman_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 15:27:58 PST

  • Next message: Nathan Dire: "HYDRA Review"

    The HYDRA paper is an interesting discussion of a kernel-based
    architecture for operating system exploration built at Carnegie-Mellon
    University. HYDRA was built so that operating system exploration could
    take place “on top of it” – an interesting goal derived from attempts to
    experiment with inflexible systems. This goal influenced the design
    significantly and seems to have produced a fairly flexible system.
    However, HYDRA is a capability-based system. The design philosophy of
    HYDRA emphasized several points, but two of them caught my attention:
    separation of mechanism and policy and rejection of strict hierarchical
    layering. Separation of mechanism and policy implements low-level
    primitives but does not enforce any high-level policies (such allowing a
    secure environment by providing protection primitives but not enforcing
    any specific use of them). This is a very sound design principle and
    often is overlooked resulting in less flexible systems. The rejection of
    the strict hierarchical layering does not imply that layering isn’t used
    at all, but it isn’t exclusively used or consistently used throughout
    various subsystems.

    The authors of the HYDRA paper very loosely define the purpose of an
    operating system to be managing resources. In HYDRA, all incarnations of
    resources are objects. HYDRA allows new types of resources to be defined
    and fully supported (including protection). There is no concept of
    object ownership in HYDRA – this allows a more flexible protection

    A capability is a reference to an object along with the access rights to
    that object. If an object is a procedure, a right might be executing
    that procedure. If an object is a memory segment, reading and writing to
    that memory segment would be types of operations that might be allowed.
    New types will have program/user-defined rights. This ability allows
    great flexibility in the protection mechanism. Objects can contain lists
    of capabilities as well.

    HYDRA has a local name space (LNS) that is essentially a list of
    capabilities available to the operating process. Only capabilities
    within the currently active LNS may be used, and only used as allowed by
    the individual capabilities.

    Procedures are represented as objects in HYDRA. Procedures are the usual
    abstraction but, given that they are objects, with the addition of a
    list of capabilities that can be accessed by the procedure. For each
    procedure there is a list of capabilities that the procedure will
    usually access and is known at compile-time and there is an optional
    list of capabilities that can be passed in as parameters at run-time.
    The parameter list of a procedure can be type-checked and can also allow
    for the inflation of capabilities for objects. The LNS for a called
    procedure is created upon the procedure call and destroyed when
    returning to the caller. For instance, users outside the database
    procedure might not be allowed to even read the segment, but the query
    procedure would be allowed to read from the segment and return results
    of the query.

    The example section of the paper does a nice job of clearly explaining
    the interaction between objects, capabilities and the LNS.

    The concept of a kernel which allows for multiple operating system
    implementations above it is an interesting one. Some of the design
    principles are nearly universal to good design but were surprisingly
    forgotten in earlier systems and are often absent in libraries and
    primitives today. I’d be very interested in knowing about operating
    systems built on top of HYDRA and how well the design principles worked
    out under real usage conditions.

  • Next message: Nathan Dire: "HYDRA Review"

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