Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management

From: Greg Green (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 10:10:07 PST

  • Next message: Gail Rahn: "Review of "Lottery Scheduling" paper by Waldspurger and Weihl"

    The paper describes a novel scheduling system that schedules a process
    based on whether it has the winning ticket in a lottery. Each thread
    or process is awarded some share of tickets. This is determined by the
    operator and can be adjusted with system calls. At each schedule call,
    the winning ticket is determined with a random-number generator. This
    determines the next process/kernel thread to be scheduled based on
    whether it has the ticket or not. The implementation used in the paper
    was built on top of Mach 3.0. The processes were in a linear list,
    sorted by the number of tickets held, largest at the front of the

    Several means of ticket transfers are used. For instance a client
    process that blocks on a server, can pass it's lottery tickets to that
    server, thereby increasing it's chance of running. Also a process that
    doesn't consume its quanta each time it runs, can be given an inflated
    number of tickets, so that it gets an equal share of time as another
    process that consumes it's entire quanta each time it runs. A system
    of currencies is also used which divide up the tickets into logical

    The paper then provides performance measurements for several different
    types of computations using the scheduling system. Good results were
    obtained from compute bound benchmarks, monte-carlo simulations (using
    dynamic adjustment of priorities based on progression through the
    simulation), client-server applications, and multi-media
    applications. A test was run on mutex contention. This allowed 2
    groups of threads to be given different priorities to the mutex and
    therefore different mutex acquisition rates.

    This was quite a novel idea. One of the colloquia last quarter talked
    about using random algorithms in routers. It also had better
    performance than the previous algorithms. It seems that probabilistic
    algorithms can have widespread applications and one should look out
    for the opportunities to try them out. This scheduling algorithm
    seemed like it would be quite suitable for specialized tasks allowing
    a much finer level of control.

    The paper also alludes to an auction based system of schedulers. I
    couldn't picture how that would work.

    Greg Green

  • Next message: Gail Rahn: "Review of "Lottery Scheduling" paper by Waldspurger and Weihl"

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