Review: Waldspurger & Weihl, Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management

From: Ian King (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 09:30:15 PST

  • Next message: Greg Green: "Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management"

    Waldspurger and Weihl describe a unique scheduling algorithm for fairly
    balancing access to system resources - "fair" being decided by user input. This
    algorithm allows for assignment of numerical weight to processes or other system
    resources, which are then assigned based on a lottery, or random draw of a
    number that corresponds to one choice of many. The authors describe various
    features that enable this mechanism, compare it with other scheduling policies
    including the commonly-implemented priority scheme, and provide empirical data
    of an implementation on the Mach microkernel. A particularly important claim is
    that this mechanism allows for dynamic response to changing system needs.

    While this scheme is intriguing in many ways, I was distracted by the somewhat
    forced allusions to monetary concepts. Nonetheless, after reading through it a
    couple of times, I realized that implementing this effectively can be almost
    sinfully trivial - which is good in a component such as the scheduler, which
    impacts performance enormously if done poorly. This mechanism avoids protocol
    inversion and starvation, because the probability of a given process being
    scheduled to run is never zero; however, it is interesting that Ethernet was
    still scheduled with a fixed high priority. Some devices simply cannot be
    deferred with impunity, and Ethernet falls in that class because of the short
    time in which the device accumulates large amounts of data - it is simply
    imperative that it is serviced with regularity. This suggests that lottery
    scheduling is inappropriate for any sort of real-time system, which is
    intuitively apparent.

    The scheme of ticket transfers to a server on which a client is blocked is quite
    clever; I can envision an implementation in which the ready queue is a list of
    (owner, value) pairs, and the owner is simply changed for the duration of the
    call, again producing a simple and fast mechanism. The discussion of balancing
    Monte Carlo simulations demonstrated the idea of weighting priority based on
    some value calculated in the system, which allows for very adaptive scheduling
    with little overhead; traditional priority schemes require more complex mapping
    of need onto the arbitrary priority value, which nonetheless does not affect
    other priority values that may be higher and still supercede the process at

    Given my experience in a priority-based operating system, I am of the opinion
    that application programmers would have a difficult time adapting to this
    scheduling policy. Systems are often designed with careful tuning of relative
    priorities, with decision processes that may degenerate into religious wars.
    While modern hardware provides such fast processing that in most cases there
    would not likely be any noticeable difference in responsiveness or throughput in
    anything short of a true real-time application, programmers would find it
    difficult to surrender that control to a probabilistic process. Nonetheless, I
    find it fascinating.

  • Next message: Greg Green: "Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management"

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