Review of "Lottery Scheduling" paper by Waldspurger and Weihl

From: Gail Rahn (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 12:18:13 PST

  • Next message: David Coleman \(Roxio Inc\): "Lottery review"

    Review of "Lottery Scheduling" paper by Waldspurger and Weihl

    This paper introduces a resource-scheduling system called "lottery
    scheduling". It is a proportional-share scheduling mechanism that provides
    efficient control over relative execution rates of computations, and is
    said to better accomodate the needs of client/server and interactive
    computing than traditional priority-based scheduling systems. The
    lottery-scheduling algorithm can also be applied to lock-sharing,
    mutex-acquisition and memory-management.

    Lottery scheduling is simply described as a ticket-based system where
    resources are allocated according to the ratio of tickets held by each
    competing client. Clients request tickets for access to a resource. A
    lottery is held, and the winning ticket is granted the resource. The next
    lottery allocates the resource among all clients losing the previous

    Clients hold tickets of various values, multiples of some base currency
    value. (Much like there are $10 and $1 bills in my wallet, one client's
    ticket can be worth 10 units while another's ticket is worth 1 unit.)
    Tickets are converted into base values when the lottery is run, so that the
    winner is selected according to the proportion of provided tickets. Tickets
    can be transferred between clients (a blocking thread transfers its
    tickets, for example, to related running thread). The authors present two
    simple mechanisms for efficiently discovering the lottery winner. Lottery
    scheduling also prevents resource starvation. Because a client holds a
    ticket for the resource lottery, that client is assured of eventually
    winning the lottery and always (eventually) gaining access to the resource.

    The lottery-scheduling algorithm seems to rely on well-behaved clients. The
    paper reveals that a client can inflate its own ticket value, effectively
    increasing their odds of being granted access to a resource. In their
    tests, clients requested lottery tickets using some proportion. The
    researchers showed that when tickets were requested with some ratio of
    currency values, resources were allocated consistently with the ratios.
    It's unclear to me what part of the operating system is the ticket
    arbitrator - ensuring that clients compete in the correct proportion for
    resources. Which operating system component decides the ratios of resource
    allocation between competing clients? What protections would be in place to
    manage a misbehaving client - one who always requests too many tickets?
    Also, under waht conditions would allocated currency ratios between clients
    change, and what OS behavior would prompt such a change? Resource hogging?

    Gail Rahn

  • Next message: David Coleman \(Roxio Inc\): "Lottery review"

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