Lecture Slides and Multimedia Archives

   Lecture slides should appear here by noon of each class day and will be available in the following formats: postscript, PDF and Powerpoint. Non-slide handouts will be available in PDF, GIF/jpeg, and Microsoft Word (or other appropriate format). Lecture video and audio content, unless otherwise noted will be posted by the Friday following class.

Lecture 1: Instruction Set Architecture and Design (4/1/03) 

Lecture 2: Pipelining and Branch Prediction (4/9/03)  

Lecture 3: Superscalars and Out-of-Order Execution (4/15/03) 

Lecture 4: Reorder Buffers (4/21/03)

  • Reorder Buffer implementation (ppt, pdf, ps)
  • A Tour of the Pentium(r) Pro Processor Microarchitecture (doc, pdf, ps)
  • Intel's P6 Uses Decoupled Superscalar Design (doc, pdf, ps)

Lecture 5: VLIW and Cache Basics (4/29/03) Lecture 6: Advanced Caching (5/6/03)
  • Advanced Caching Techniques(ppt, pdf, ps)
Lecture 7: Multithreading and SMT (5/20/03) Lecture 8: Multiprocessors, Coherency, and Synchronization (5/27/03) Lecture 9: WaveScalar, Final (6/3/03)

* "6spp" - six slides per page.

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