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Programming in ZPLWe'll be using the parallel programming language, ZPL, for some small programming assignments. Instructions will follow for using ZPL. You can view the documentation or buy the book from MIT Press.Setting up ZPLThere is an installation of ZPL set up for the class. It's accessible from the instructional workstations (fiji, celyon, sumatra, etc.) as well as from the graduate research workstations. You must set some environment variables to use ZPL. In your .cshrc, .profile or whatever login script your shell uses, set the following variables using the appropriate idiom for your shell (setenv for csh derivatives, export for sh derivatives).
Accessing ZPL on research machinesThere is an installation of ZPL set up for the class. It's accessible from the linux grad-student workstations. (These are different from the instructional machines, fiji, celyon, sumatra.) To access the grad workstations, first you must find a machine to use. You can get a list of machines using the departmental Host Info (hinfo) tool. (You'll be required to enter your username and password to use the tool.) Search on Operating System = Linux and look for machines who's function is gws (grad workstation). Here's a summary of the valid machines:acura, alder, alfa, aluminum, argon, arsenic, artoo, awabi, becks, bentley, beryllium, birch, bisquick, boron, bugati, calpa, carbon, cedar, centipede, chlorine, cindy, cobalt, coors, corona, daihatsu, deco, ethel, farfalle, fiat, fluorine, gallium, geo, ginkgo, gnocchi, grad-pc24, gurgle, hails, hamms, helium, hydrogen, ika, infiniti, isuzu, kani, krypton, lithium, magnesium, manganese, miller, neon, nickel, nishin, oak, oxygen, palm, paperboy, pong, poplar, potassium, qbert, rampage, rehovot, rocket, rubidium, saba, sake, spaceinvader, suzuki, tapper, tautog, tempest, timepilot, tioga, titanium, tron, vanadium, whimsy, willow, xevious, zaxxon.From the iws machines (fiji, celyon & friends), you can connect to any of these machines using ssh or by getting a kerberos ticket (using kinit) and then using rsh. |
Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195-2350 (206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX [comments to carlson] |